Quote Originally Posted by AfricanBluebird View Post
Did I?

Lol, well there you go. Too busy.

However, I have seen more and more social media movement recently and I wondered if people are changing their mind. That's all.
Sorry. Bit of an overreaction on my part. But economically Wales couldn't possibly support itself. There is little industry and a lot of social deprivation requiring support from the State. And those who pay tax will probably have to pay double to support the rest and, if businesses are taxed higher than England, they will simply leave. Even when Labour has been in power nationally Wales has been ignored and their voters taken for granted. While a Wales only government would have power they wouldn't have the cash to do very much. Wales does not even have a currency so in the unlikely event permission is given for the pound to be used, the UK government would have to control spending. Wales could never be wholly independent ever.