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Thread: Boris you bloody lunatic

  1. #1

    Boris you bloody lunatic

    If you saw the interview on Channel 4 you will realise the damage the Tories are doing to everyone.
    It's a fecking virus.

    Old sick people will die.
    This response is now beyond a joke.
    The people need to insist the lockdowns are wrong and moronic.

    Life must go on.

    Are the British this pathetic.

    Rant over.

  2. #2
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    I agree lockdown is not the answer ,smarter strategies are needed quickly before the economy completly collapses.

    Take the 3.2 billion work in hospitality generating 134 billion with tax a take of 34 billion all of it risk .

    We eased the lockdown which was needed and great sadly the British public took advantage of 50% off deals and then lapsed its disciplines, threw away the mask , got back to bad habits which threatened the vulnerable.

    Huge swave of Tories agree with you , sadly and personally I'm not sure on the opposition stance its a bit cloudy.

    I would like to see a collective alternative plan ( not just media and opposition critics ) from any party /group / UK region , that is both different and better and keeps the economy alive and jobs .

    Importantly the tax revenues that support our critical services are at risk and may well bring even more death ,poverty and mental illness .

    Yes the government are at sea, however let's be honest personal responsibility and behaviours are also at sea , people spread virus now and pre Covid.

  3. #3

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I agree lockdown is not the answer ,smarter strategies are needed quickly before the economy completly collapses.

    Take the 3.2 billion work in hospitality generating 134 billion with tax a take of 34 billion all of it risk .

    We eased the lockdown which was needed and great sadly the British public took advantage of 50% off deals and then lapsed its disciplines, threw away the mask , got back to bad habits which threatened the vulnerable.

    Huge swave of Tories agree with you , sadly and personally I'm not sure on the opposition stance its a bit cloudy.

    I would like to see a collective alternative plan ( not just media and opposition critics ) from any party /group / UK region , that is both different and better and keeps the economy alive and jobs .

    Importantly the tax revenues that support our critical services are at risk and may well bring even more death ,poverty and mental illness .

    Yes the government are at sea, however let's be honest personal responsibility and behaviours are also at sea , people spread virus now and pre Covid.
    People were in the main observing the rules through late March, all of April and into May, then something happened with someone very close to the heart of Government which proved conclusively that we weren't "all in it together".

    It's a bit rich blaming the public for the consequences of the Government's gimmick about cheap meals.

  4. #4
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    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    People were in the main observing the rules through late March, all of April and into May, then something happened with someone very close to the heart of Government which proved conclusively that we weren't "all in it together".

    It's a bit rich blaming the public for the consequences of the Government's gimmick about cheap meals.
    Oh , I didn't realise its was a gimmick thought it was to kick-start the hospitality sector, best we get back to slumber and watch the economy die . For some with no pensions to sit back on it hurts, a lot of younger people rely on jobs in what you refer to as the cheap gimmick , and yes peoples disciplines deliver the risks , the cheap deal meal was just that food to kick-start the restaurant industry and was welcomed by all parties, it was ill disciplined drinkers , house parties , crowded streets outside pubs that did this . Even now you have Northern mayors moaning about curfews, you can't win?

    Perhaps the Mayor's of Manchester and Liverpool who are now saying this is awful , should have exercised better controls in thier cities .

  5. #5
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic


    Tories and Labour back to neck and neck in the polls - 40% each.

    Not a great endorsement of Starmer's strategy or performance, but the public disenchantment with Johnson is deepening.

  6. #6

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Oh , I didn't realise its was a gimmick thought it was to kick-start the hospitality sector, best we get back to slumber and watch the economy die . For some with no pensions to sit back on it hurts, a lot of younger people rely on jobs in what you refer to as the cheap gimmick , and yes peoples disciplines deliver the risks , the cheap deal meal was just that food to kick-start the restaurant industry and was welcomed by all parties, it was ill disciplined drinkers , house parties , crowded streets outside pubs that did this . Even now you have Northern mayors moaning about curfews, you can't win?

    Perhaps the Mayor's of Manchester and Liverpool who are now saying this is awful , should have exercised better controls in thier cities .
    Your desperation to defend a party you say you don't vote for is very strange. The point is that, as soon as the priority became local, rather than national, management of outbreaks, local politicians and health professionals became better equipped to respond because they were closer to the action so to speak. However, the obsession of this Government, and especially the rule breaker I referred to in my earlier post, to centralise everything takes priority every time to the detriment of the country, apart from it seems, some Cabinet members constituencies with higher infection rates than some under local lockdown measures.
    As for the gimmick, it was typical of the UK Government's throughout the summer as they tried to run before they could walk - there were plenty in the scientific world who said at the time that we were coming out of lockdown measures too quickly, but, just as in America, money started to be more important than people when it comes to the virus in the UK months ago.

  7. #7
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    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Your desperation to defend a party you say you don't vote for is very strange. The point is that, as soon as the priority became local, rather than national, management of outbreaks, local politicians and health professionals became better equipped to respond because they were closer to the action so to speak. However, the obsession of this Government, and especially the rule breaker I referred to in my earlier post, to centralise everything takes priority every time to the detriment of the country, apart from it seems, some Cabinet members constituencies with higher infection rates than some under local lockdown measures.
    As for the gimmick, it was typical of the UK Government's throughout the summer as they tried to run before they could walk - there were plenty in the scientific world who said at the time that we were coming out of lockdown measures too quickly, but, just as in America, money started to be more important than people when it comes to the virus in the UK months ago.
    The economy is the health of our country ( Labour MP quite )

    Those in work are in better health both in mind and body ( Labour MP quote )

    Those in lockdowns are at health risk. ( Labour MP quote )
    The youth today need help as much as the vulnerable and elderly. ( my view )

    I do believe in local areas managing this but guided by one source of data, if I was Boris I'd do that and call them out for failing , strangely those authorities do have licence to police these matters.

    Labour from its Northern Mayors and council leaders are at odds with Sir Kier , he has the chance on Tuesday to vote with Libereatarin Tories .

    As your obviously a devout Labour voter , no matter who or what they say what is Labour policy and direction.

    PS I do smell rat around southern areas being in lockdown when you match the Northern areas , equally why us Wales in lockdown how many are actually dying ??

  8. #8

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    The Tories are raping our country, when will everyone wake up https://twitter.com/jolyonmaugham/st...560332801?s=21

  9. #9

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Oh , I didn't realise its was a gimmick thought it was to kick-start the hospitality sector, best we get back to slumber and watch the economy die . For some with no pensions to sit back on it hurts, a lot of younger people rely on jobs in what you refer to as the cheap gimmick , and yes peoples disciplines deliver the risks , the cheap deal meal was just that food to kick-start the restaurant industry and was welcomed by all parties, it was ill disciplined drinkers , house parties , crowded streets outside pubs that did this . Even now you have Northern mayors moaning about curfews, you can't win?

    Perhaps the Mayor's of Manchester and Liverpool who are now saying this is awful , should have exercised better controls in thier cities .
    While jumping on eat out to help out, I think you miss the point. Firstly Just my opinion but I think eat out to help out was Ill thought out. Hospitality needed help but did places like McDonald’s really need government money? Not that I want them to go to the wall, far from it due to the jobs (and IMO amazing bbq sauce!) but these companies could survive with their own promotions.

    I think the point was that the rhetoric from government was ‘get back to normal’
    Which, to be fair, people did.

  10. #10

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by superfeathers View Post
    While jumping on eat out to help out, I think you miss the point. Firstly Just my opinion but I think eat out to help out was Ill thought out. Hospitality needed help but did places like McDonald’s really need government money? Not that I want them to go to the wall, far from it due to the jobs (and IMO amazing bbq sauce!) but these companies could survive with their own promotions.

    I think the point was that the rhetoric from government was ‘get back to normal’
    Which, to be fair, people did.
    My mate had 6 half price kfc's in 2 weeks

  11. #11

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    People were in the main observing the rules through late March, all of April and into May, then something happened with someone very close to the heart of Government which proved conclusively that we weren't "all in it together".

    It's a bit rich blaming the public for the consequences of the Government's gimmick about cheap meals.
    So very true.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    People were in the main observing the rules through late March, all of April and into May, then something happened with someone very close to the heart of Government which proved conclusively that we weren't "all in it together".

    It's a bit rich blaming the public for the consequences of the Government's gimmick about cheap meals.
    So one feckless individual does wrong , and that is the excuse for everyone to follow and break the rules, what a strange defence ,or weak argument, are we not responsible for our own responsibilities.

  13. #13

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    So one feckless individual does wrong , and that is the excuse for everyone to follow and break the rules, what a strange defence ,or weak argument, are we not responsible for our own responsibilities.
    How many thousands of people missed being by the sides of their loved ones as they passed away during that time because they were following the rules?

    The fact that this Govt. so brazenly supported Cummings and defended his actions made a mockery of the entire lockdown and the togetherness that the public had at the time, following the "stay home, protect the NHS, save lives" motto we were fed daily.

    If the people who are literally making the rules aren't following them, then why should Jack from next door not visit his elderly mother?

    We all know for a fact that you'd be taking the polar opposite view on this had it been a Labour Govt. implicated - not a Tory one.

  14. #14
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    So one feckless individual does wrong , and that is the excuse for everyone to follow and break the rules, what a strange defence ,or weak argument, are we not responsible for our own responsibilities.
    What a weak argument for denying that the government fatally undermined and discredited its own message at a critical time.

    Yes we are all 'responsible for our own responsibilities' - and that applies to Cummings, Johnson and the the whole government who queued up in TV and radio studios to deflect and excuse - and to show total contempt for the public!

  15. #15

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    What a weak argument for denying that the government fatally undermined and discredited its own message at a critical time.

    Yes we are all 'responsible for our own responsibilities' - and that applies to Cummings, Johnson and the the whole government who queued up in TV and radio studios to deflect and excuse - and to show total contempt for the public!
    Didn't Gove say it was what any caring father would have done?!

  16. #16

    Re: Boris you bloody lunatic

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Didn't Gove say it was what any caring father would have done?!
    Yep, doesn't sound like a 'feckless individual' to me. Nearly the whole front bench told us he was right to do what he did.

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