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Thread: Political post.. @Yescymru

  1. #126

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The figures don't back this up as I indicated (with link) in an earlier post. Wales receives far more money from England than it generates in taxes. From memory the gap is around £15bn.
    A big pinch of salt would have to be taken comparing both England and Wales finances, England obviously generates more as the population is massive but it doesn't include a lot of companies financials for Wales and Scotland directly as they report from their HQ's, which are nearly always in London. Also including that an independent Scotland and Wales would have different spending priorities than Westminster does, as smaller nations without the falsehood of being 'greater than everyone else' as Westminster always points out, expenditure such as e.g trident, HS2 and the high military costs would never be needed.

  2. #127

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    An interesting read to add to the mix.. https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.ne...pdf?1559585368

  3. #128

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    It's likely to be around that this year!
    I knew you'd come back with that. Yes well this year is a one off, and I reckon Wales fiscal gap will be considerably more than £15bn this year, so swings and roundabouts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    As a % that kind of deficit for Wales wouldn't be unprecedented, and other countries have managed that previously and come out the other side much better.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    The idea being if you have an economy run to benefit Wales then we will see increased growth, and reduce the defecit.
    with all due respect the Welsh government have baulked at the idea of investing in the M4 relief road - a road almost everyone agrees is needed.

    We have a fiscal gap of £15bn, we have 1 in 4 working in the public sector, compared to the UK average of 1 in 5. Assuming 1.5m people in Wales are working, that means we have 375k jobs in the public sector when it should be around 300k.

    Wales economy is currently around £60bn, of which almost half is government spend. If we are to become independent, and by that I include financial independence, we need to increase our tax receipts by 25% and also increase private sector jobs by at least 6.7%. That's before we consider our share of the national debt. That's a huge burden to place on the taxpayer.

    you've argued for following Ireland, but theirs is a low tax economy, certainly apropos of corporates. How do you see Wales dealing with its fiscal shortfall, its requirement to fund public services and jobs, whilst at the same time trying to be as competitive as the Irish?

  4. #129

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    A big pinch of salt would have to be taken comparing both England and Wales finances, England obviously generates more as the population is massive but it doesn't include a lot of companies financials for Wales and Scotland directly as they report from their HQ's, which are nearly always in London. Also including that an independent Scotland and Wales would have different spending priorities than Westminster does, as smaller nations without the falsehood of being 'greater than everyone else' as Westminster always points out, expenditure such as e.g trident, HS2 and the high military costs would never be needed.
    wrong, GVA is based on output generated in the region. Since the start of devolution, Wales GVA has worsened compared to all bar one of the English regions.

  5. #130

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    expenditure such as e.g trident, HS2 and the high military costs would never be needed.
    So you're saying we'd remain outside NATO and make no contribution to the defence of our country, as well as stopping all infrastructure spending such as barrages, electrification of rail lines, major road projects, money losing airports etc?

  6. #131

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Far more negatives.

    But are they outweighed by no more Boris , Cummings , Haccock , Coffey , Patel , Raab , Jenrick , Williamson , Whatley etc.

    Farage and the UKIP loons gone.

    For me thats enough at the moment.

    Would I now vote Independence which ive always been 100% against.

    Yes thanks to this lot.

    Theres not going to be a vote though.

  7. #132

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    I just don't get the point.

    Maybe I'm just not Welsh enough, I've always been happy to identify as being Welsh and British, I have lived over the border previously but felt this way long before that. I know I have as much in common with someone from Bristol as I do Swansea.

    I just don't get it, what am I missing?

  8. #133

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gifaffe View Post
    So you're saying we'd remain outside NATO and make no contribution to the defence of our country, as well as stopping all infrastructure spending such as barrages, electrification of rail lines, major road projects, money losing airports etc?
    Of course he's not saying that.

    We can invest in infrastructure projects that will help the economy, but HS2 doesn't benefit us at all, neither does trident.

    I'd love to see a severn barrage at some point in the future.
    Schemes like this
    Suggest they can generate up to 10% of the UKs energy at a very cheap price in comparison with other methods.

    That could be enough to provide the whole of wales with cheap energy (which will be attractive to industry) and have enough left over to sell to England.

    Even better if it could also include a road bridge to Lavernock or Nash point, as that could really boost the area.

    This kind of project SHOULD be easier to achieve in a union like the UK, but it is so London centric that I don't think it would ever happen.

  9. #134

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    It's all a moot point anyway, as any such vote would fail spectacularly.

    There are huge numbers of English people living in Wales who would never want it, so it isn't going to happen.

  10. #135

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    It's all a moot point anyway, as any such vote would fail spectacularly.

    There are huge numbers of English people living in Wales who would never want it, so it isn't going to happen.
    If Trump can be president anything is possible. This govt is so completely useless anything could happen.

  11. #136

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    So not independent then, just independent of England.

    I see.
    An alliance of equal partners. Unlike the relationship with England

  12. #137

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Garth Blue View Post
    An alliance of equal partners. Unlike the relationship with England
    With Germany and France being more equal than others.

  13. #138

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by The Gifaffe View Post
    Easy one this, the Marquess of Bute poured his Scottish money into building Cardiff Dock. Pretty sure he spent a lot of the profit on Cardiff Castle and building Castell Coch.
    So not that he made a lot of money off the back a Welsh natural reseource?

  14. #139

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Trigger View Post
    I just don't get the point.

    Maybe I'm just not Welsh enough, I've always been happy to identify as being Welsh and British, I have lived over the border previously but felt this way long before that. I know I have as much in common with someone from Bristol as I do Swansea.

    I just don't get it, what am I missing?
    This is it for me. I'm Welsh and British.

    I have more in common with someone from Bristol than I do from Bangor

  15. #140

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    With Germany and France being more equal than others.
    The way the EU looked after the interests of Ireland in the Brexit discussions show that there is strength in partnership. Unfortunately they hadn't bargained on Boris being a lying coniving bastard. Big mistake that. Still waiting to hear on what basis you regard Wales is doing well.

  16. #141

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Then you haven't savoured the delights of the whole of Wales supporting the national team

  17. #142

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    With Germany and France being more equal than others.
    there's a big difference between the amount og control that westminster holds over the uk compared to brussels over europe

  18. #143

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    there's a big difference between the amount og control that westminster holds over the uk compared to brussels over europe
    If Wales was part of the EU it would be a small nation which was part of a larger union. It would also have laws made for it by officials in a capital city that wasn't Welsh.

    How does that differ from what we have now?

  19. #144

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Garth Blue View Post
    The way the EU looked after the interests of Ireland in the Brexit discussions show that there is strength in partnership. Unfortunately they hadn't bargained on Boris being a lying coniving bastard. Big mistake that. Still waiting to hear on what basis you regard Wales is doing well.
    great, so why aren't you happy with the partnership we have with England? We have a much greater say in UK affairs than we ever would in EU affairs, we have access to our largest trading partner with no customs, duties, excise or trade barriers of any kind whatsoever. We have freedom of movement and no language barriers at all.

    What benefits would being in the EU give that being in the UK won't?

  20. #145

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Garth Blue View Post
    Then you haven't savoured the delights of the whole of Wales supporting the national team
    I've read this many times and I have no idea what it is you are trying to say.

  21. #146

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by Wozza16 View Post
    A big pinch of salt would have to be taken comparing both England and Wales finances, England obviously generates more as the population is massive but it doesn't include a lot of companies financials for Wales and Scotland directly as they report from their HQ's, which are nearly always in London. Also including that an independent Scotland and Wales would have different spending priorities than Westminster does, as smaller nations without the falsehood of being 'greater than everyone else' as Westminster always points out, expenditure such as e.g trident, HS2 and the high military costs would never be needed.
    Am I the only person that thinks HS2 is a good thing?

  22. #147

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    If Wales was part of the EU it would be a small nation which was part of a larger union. It would also have laws made for it by officials in a capital city that wasn't Welsh.

    How does that differ from what we have now?
    It isn't even comparable.

    Are you really suggesting that say the netherlands are as much controlled by the EU as we are by Westminster?

  23. #148
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    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    So not independent then, just independent of England.

    I see.
    You asked how inward investment would occur. I proffered a solution.

    You've now changed tack with some vague statement about "independence".

  24. #149

    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    great, so why aren't you happy with the partnership we have with England? We have a much greater say in UK affairs than we ever would in EU affairs, we have access to our largest trading partner with no customs, duties, excise or trade barriers of any kind whatsoever. We have freedom of movement and no language barriers at all.

    What benefits would being in the EU give that being in the UK won't?
    You're basically giving the reasons why the UK leaving the EU is such folly, but here's my response.

    Free trade with hundreds of millions. Freedom to live, work and study in Europe. I reckon that, whatever we lost on financially from Westminster would be more than made up in EU grants to improve infrastructure and make Wales a better place to do business and create jobs. Instead of an insular island that thinks it is a world leader, we'd be a part of something much bigger.

    If there was independence, I reckon it wouldn't be a hard independence like some want for the UK from the EU. I think that if Wales and Scotland were both independent and were members of the EU, England would have to rethink its relationship with the EU. However, there would be something quite poetic about English people needing visas to come and live, work and holiday in Wales!

  25. #150
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    Re: Political post.. @Yescymru

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    Whats your point? We've already established Ireland's GDP is vastly over inflated as a result of the double Irish.
    No, you asserted Irish GDP is overstated. I don't think Irish statisticians are any worse than English ones. Whether GDP is representative is a different issue.

    Just to save me another post. Why have you assiduously ignored Ireland's HDI ranking? I think it's probably because it doesn't fit with your one-eyed narrative.

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