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Thread: Making the Sign of the Cross

  1. #1

    Making the Sign of the Cross

    It has now become de rigeur for players, not just footballers, to involve themselves in this superstitious semaphore before entering and leaving the pitch. Anyone able to explain the reason behind it?

  2. #2

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    It has now become de rigeur for players, not just footballers, to involve themselves in this superstitious semaphore before entering and leaving the pitch. Anyone able to explain the reason behind it?
    Do you really need that to be explained to you ?

  3. #3

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    It has now become de rigeur for players, not just footballers, to involve themselves in this superstitious semaphore before entering and leaving the pitch. Anyone able to explain the reason behind it?
    Maybe they believe in God, maybe they feel that it gives them strength, maybe it's a bit fashionable (The south Americans and Spanish have done it for years) who cares?

  4. #4

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    spectacles, testicles, wallet and watch

    Perhaps they're all fans of the classic 1990 caper - Nuns on the run.

  5. #5

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Maybe they believe in God, maybe they feel that it gives them strength, maybe it's a bit fashionable (The south Americans and Spanish have done it for years) who cares?
    Has to be based on their religious beliefs doesn't it and as you said, it's very commonplace amongst South American and the Spanish, who generally are very staunch Catholics.

  6. #6

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    Do you really need that to be explained to you ?
    Yes please. Is it meant to offer some protection against an impending event such as getting injured, scoring an own goal, the other side winning, the other side losing ( if you’d had a sly bet on this ) , being loaned to Swansea or remembering that you left the stew on a low light and you need someone to switch it off. What is the footballer who has an AK47 tattooed on his leg entreating for. Why do 100 metres runners do it? after all the race hardly lasts 10 seconds. Why do boxers do it?. Is it to enable them to batter an opponent better. After all it’s just man made mumbo jumbo like the tooth fairy and the boogie man.
    Yes please let me know the reasons.

  7. #7

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    Yes please. Is it meant to offer some protection against an impending event such as getting injured, scoring an own goal, the other side winning, the other side losing ( if you’d had a sly bet on this ) , being loaned to Swansea or remembering that you left the stew on a low light and you need someone to switch it off. What is the footballer who has an AK47 tattooed on his leg entreating for. Why do 100 metres runners do it? after all the race hardly lasts 10 seconds. Why do boxers do it?. Is it to enable them to batter an opponent better. After all it’s just man made mumbo jumbo like the tooth fairy and the boogie man.
    Yes please let me know the reasons.
    The final sentence is your opinion. Millions of people take strength from faith. You obviously don't, neither do i, although i have great difficulty in ridiculing another persons religious beliefs, as simple as religion may come across to many of us, i believe that it's just as simple to ridicule it. We could pick and pull at every aspect of our thoughts and actions until there isn't anything worth doing or thinking about in my opinion.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    It has now become de rigeur for players, not just footballers, to involve themselves in this superstitious semaphore before entering and leaving the pitch. Anyone able to explain the reason behind it?
    I always wonder when they show this religious behaviour, how religious they are in their actual life .

  9. #9

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I always wonder when they show this religious behaviour, how religious they are in their actual life .
    There's no remit to how dedicated you are to whatever god you may believe in. A lot of people who are critical of religion seem to struggle with that concept.

  10. #10

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    I have sometimes wondered about this. Whether it’s a just a mark of respect/faith before undertaking a sport or whether the person is hoping for some divine intervention. I suppose it it differs by person.

  11. #11

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    The final sentence is your opinion. Millions of people take strength from faith. You obviously don't, neither do i, although i have great difficulty in ridiculing another persons religious beliefs, as simple as religion may come across to many of us, i believe that it's just as simple to ridicule it. We could pick and pull at every aspect of our thoughts and actions until there isn't anything worth doing or thinking about in my opinion.
    You have missed the point. I am not ridiculing religious belief although I could quite easily I am merely asking why many who obviously have no religious belief feel it necessary to intone this voodoo signage.

  12. #12

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    You have missed the point. I am not ridiculing religious belief although I could quite easily I am merely asking why many who obviously have no religious belief feel it necessary to intone this voodoo signage.
    I've not missed the point. How do you know a persons beliefs, how is it obvious to you?

  13. #13

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by pomeroy View Post
    You have missed the point. I am not ridiculing religious belief although I could quite easily I am merely asking why many who obviously have no religious belief feel it necessary to intone this voodoo signage.
    You do sound a bit like you're ridiculing religious belief tbf

  14. #14

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Believe it or not it’s very important to some people, my mother couldn’t pass a Catholic Church without crossing herself, indeed I used to myself when I was younger, it was the way I and many of my mates were brought up. It’s something that’s faded away I s’pose in this country but as shown by Latin players it’s still prevalent in some parts of the world. I notice that the Muslim players point both index fingers skyward and utter a few words of prayer. Proddie Woddies just pretend to play the flute

  15. #15

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    There's no remit to how dedicated you are to whatever god you may believe in. A lot of people who are critical of religion seem to struggle with that concept.
    I can understand as a sign of their faith why some sportsmen cross themselves. However, occasionally I wonder if they've really thought things through. An example was when Zach Johnson won his first golf major and said repeatedly "I'd like to thank the Lord". I can understand that as a devout Christian it was important for him give thanks but......hey wait a minute, why didn't the good Lord smile down on the other competitors instead of old Zach ? Was he that much more devout than his rivals ? If I came runner up yet never missed a Bible class I would be asking some serious questions.

  16. #16

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Moodybluebird View Post
    I can understand as a sign of their faith why some sportsmen cross themselves. However, occasionally I wonder if they've really thought things through. An example was when Zach Johnson won his first golf major and said repeatedly "I'd like to thank the Lord". I can understand that as a devout Christian it was important for him give thanks but......hey wait a minute, why didn't the good Lord smile down on the other competitors instead of old Zach ? Was he that much more devout than his rivals ? If I came runner up yet never missed a Bible class I would be asking some serious questions.
    Because if you were a devout christian then you would accept that it was gods plan for you to finish runner up it's not a bad gig in all honesty, if your prayers are answered, then bingo, if not, that's what he had planned for you

  17. #17

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    Because if you were a devout christian then you would accept that it was gods plan for you to finish runner up it's not a bad gig in all honesty, if your prayers are answered, then bingo, if not, that's what he had planned for you
    Literally the very argument I've heard time and time again. The day we leave religion behind will be a good day for the human race.

  18. #18
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    Literally the very argument I've heard time and time again. The day we leave religion behind will be a good day for the human race.
    and a shit day for arms manufacturers too hopefully.

  19. #19

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    and a shit day for arms manufacturers too hopefully.
    Oh I don't know about that, religion is merely an excuse most of the time. Man will fight over anything, mostly resources.

  20. #20

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    I was brought up a Catholic but I think religion is bollocks . I try but don't always succeed , to do my best and be helpful and kind but have plenty of bad traits . Anyone who thinks they are all goody goody is lying . Even priests must have the odd wank.

    A lot of my mothers mates are catholics and before this pandemic were all good and holy collecting for food banks and taking the isolated to church etc

    But now its a struggle to get an occasional phone call , the selfish non Christian gene steps in and its all me me me

    There are a group of people out there in Cardiff every night delivering sleeping bags , clean underwear , socks , deodorant etc to the street homeless and they are doing it because they are good people not because they think doing good things will get them into paradise and eternal life .

    I reckon if there is a god then if you do more good than bad , he will let you have eternal life wether or not you pray everyday or not so thats my philosophy

    I don't go to church on Sunday morning , I go fishing

    One of my favourite pics takes out of religion is from Derek and Clive

    Peter Cook says to Dudley Moore ......this Jesus fella , do you think on the whole he was a good bloke ?

    No , I think he was probably a **** says Dudley

    If Jesus and God do exist I am sure they can see the funny side of that and let us non believers in

  21. #21

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    Literally the very argument I've heard time and time again. The day we leave religion behind will be a good day for the human race.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    praise the Lord , Jack that is ?

  23. #23

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    and a shit day for arms manufacturers too hopefully.
    Yep, fingers crossed although power hungry fools will always find something to go to war over.

  24. #24

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    God bless you

  25. #25

    Re: Making the Sign of the Cross

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    God bless you
    Peace be with you

    And also with you

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