Quote Originally Posted by splott parker View Post
The Wednesday League was originally nicknamed the shopkeepers league due to Cardiff’s tradition of half day closing on a Wednesday. Very often if I was rained off I nip down to Pontcanna with my boots on a Wednesday afternoon, you’d always get a game for a team that was short. Emlyn Morris was mentioned earlier in the thread, Emlyn reached a quite high position in Welsh FA administration, he was a lovely fella who was also involved with Rover (Pengam), the Cardiff & District club, Peter Andrews, who’s also been mentioned managed Rover for a season or two.
As for the standard of football being poor, I beg to differ, during the twenty odd years that I played I came across some excellent players, players who stuck to local football for various reasons. Neil Lord was a lynchpin at Bridgend St, an excellent player who took no prisoners. Most District Premier Division sides had one or two players who were a class above. Kenny Gerrard at Wiggins Teape held them together for years, the Jeremy brothers at Grange Quins, Stephen Gill at Trelai, Eugene Cumberbatch at Doyle Albion and many others. Combination sides also had their fair share of decent players, parks football in those days in the top divisions wasn’t poor and to perform to any standard on the nightmare pitches that players encountered took no little skill.
I remember my father telling me about the Wednesday League and it sounded quite popular back in the day. As you rightly say, it was half day closing in Cardiff but a lot of shift workers as well as shop workers played. I've got a collection of medals he won playing for the Cardiff Transport team and a side called Roath Wednesday.