Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
If you study the overall period from 2010 to 2015 you can clearly see Labour in the lead (see the first graph and red line ) its only at the final run in the polls where they close.

I won't dip towards your rudeness by calling people thick as I belive folk deserve respect whatever their views , I know your a tough keyboard warrior though so respect for that .

I maybe thick , but I have better qualities than your childlike name calling .
TOBW said he didn't remember Labour having a double-digit lead in the run up to the election and you provided stats from 2 years before the election... He's right and you're flapping around trying to prove that the polls were close but Labour had a lead, which is what we already knew.

A double-digit lead for Labour in the run up to the election is what you should be trying to prove if you want to disagree with TOBW. Everything you've said so far just confirms his point and makes you look like you can't grasp the reality of what's being discussed (this happens a lot in your posts).

As for "I maybe thick , but I have better qualities than your childlike name calling"... If those qualities are being a racist, misogynistic, defender of child abusers because young women are "probably asking for it" then I'm going to have to disagree with you about your "better qualities".

Being thick is probably your greatest quality from what I can gather. Also, I didn't call you thick because of your "views" - you'd understand that if you were a bit brighter