Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
Supermarkets are one of the safest places to be, with a VERY low incidence of people catching Covid because of a visit. Lives are at minimum risk if people do the basics...2 metres apart ( I've see people every day talking or queuing no more that half a metre apart), hand hygiene, sanitise on way in and out of supermarket, and wear a mask.
Why does our First Minister have a go at shoppers when the evidence is that the virus spreads via large groups of young people, close interaction in closed places like busy pubs/clubs or gatherings in homes, or catching the virus in a Welsh hospital?

The fewer items on sale should result in fewer people in store, which is the object of a lockdown, surely that’s common sense. And it’s only for another fortnight, if one life is indirectly saved through these measures it’s well worth it.