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View Poll Results: Who will win the US election

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  • Trump Landslide

    0 0%
  • Trump narrow margin

    0 0%
  • Biden Narrow Margin

    9 75.00%
  • Biden Landslide

    3 25.00%
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Thread: US election prediction

  1. #26

    Re: US election prediction


    Biden wins.

    Trump barricades himself in the White House, surrounded by ‘patriot’ and white power militias whilst tweeting incessantly “Fix!” and “Fake News!”

    He nukes a swing state like Pennsylvania or Michigan in retaliation for voting Biden which has now been passed as Treason by Trumps Supreme Court.

    The White House siege is ended as Russian creditors turn up with bailiffs to collect $400 million.

    Trump succumbs to novichok poisoning.

    I’m only slightly taking the piss there. I think my first two points are certainties.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Let's just call it as it is... LoM is thick. Not a bit thick. Thick. He's constantly wrong and when it's pointed out he either ignores it, waits for someone else to reply so he can hang onto their coat tails and agree with their post or he simply responds with something irrelevant to your post.

    I'm glad he said that he won't be "bullied off here like RB" (who wasn't bullied in the slightest... although he was an annoying c**t who was obsessed with calling everyone an anti-Semite without reason, yet had a lot of problems with black people and foreigners for some reason) as I'd miss feeling smarter than at least one person on the politics board (as Gluey has disappeared too by the looks of it).
    If you study the overall period from 2010 to 2015 you can clearly see Labour in the lead (see the first graph and red line ) its only at the final run in the polls where they close.

    I won't dip towards your rudeness by calling people thick as I belive folk deserve respect whatever their views , I know your a tough keyboard warrior though so respect for that .

    I maybe thick , but I have better qualities than your childlike name calling .

  3. #28

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    If you study the overall period from 2010 to 2015 you can clearly see Labour in the lead (see the first graph and red line ) its only at the final run in the polls where they close.

    I won't dip towards your rudeness by calling people thick as I belive folk deserve respect whatever their views , I know your a tough keyboard warrior though so respect for that .

    I maybe thick , but I have better qualities than your childlike name calling .
    TOBW said he didn't remember Labour having a double-digit lead in the run up to the election and you provided stats from 2 years before the election... He's right and you're flapping around trying to prove that the polls were close but Labour had a lead, which is what we already knew.

    A double-digit lead for Labour in the run up to the election is what you should be trying to prove if you want to disagree with TOBW. Everything you've said so far just confirms his point and makes you look like you can't grasp the reality of what's being discussed (this happens a lot in your posts).

    As for "I maybe thick , but I have better qualities than your childlike name calling"... If those qualities are being a racist, misogynistic, defender of child abusers because young women are "probably asking for it" then I'm going to have to disagree with you about your "better qualities".

    Being thick is probably your greatest quality from what I can gather. Also, I didn't call you thick because of your "views" - you'd understand that if you were a bit brighter

  4. #29

    Re: US election prediction

    Seems like PA might go trump's way, and TX might go Bidens.

  5. #30

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Seems like PA might go trump's way, and TX might go Bidens.
    Latest polling here.




  6. #31

    Re: US election prediction


    This might help some of you, whatever side of the fence you're sitting?

  7. #32

    Re: US election prediction

    Apparently it is looking like a very high turnout

    this historically benefits democrats as older, richer, white voters are already very likely to vote.

    However, in some key states - PA and FL especially it is thought that this could benefit Trump.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US election prediction

    Polls will get a lot closer as they come under more scrutiny, the biggest problem if Biden doesn't get a landslide is the final postal vote tally up . I bet both sides have their legal teams ready to battle , one can only prey for a Biden landslide to avoid this becoming a drawn out and nasty moment .

  9. #34

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Polls will get a lot closer as they come under more scrutiny, the biggest problem if Biden doesn't get a landslide is the final postal vote tally up . I bet both sides have their legal teams ready to battle , one can only prey for a Biden landslide to avoid this becoming a drawn out and nasty moment .
    Can a moment be drawn out?

  10. #35

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Can a moment be drawn out?
    Momentarily maybe

  11. #36

    Re: US election prediction


    PA looks very important this time round.

  12. #37

    Re: US election prediction

    538 has Trump down to an 11% chance of winning now, and a lot will come down to Pennsylvania

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US election prediction

    Could be drawn out for weeks , seem to remember Al Gore arguing for a Florida recount , 36 days later the supreme Court decided against a recount to settle in George of the Bush favour , like Trump, he lost the popular vote.

    All Trump an wish for us to just contest it , Biden needs a landslide to take away the doubt .

    And we know who now runs the supreme court

  14. #39

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    538 has Trump down to an 11% chance of winning now, and a lot will come down to Pennsylvania
    As Pennsylvania is so tight I'm hoping the current riots in Philadelphia don't help the Trump campaign. On the other hand another instance of trigger happy cops could boost the black vote, so it's on a bit of a knife edge.

    Another scenario with Biden winning Arizona, Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin (all very possible) might mean the Pennsylvania result won't make any difference.

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: US election prediction

    If Splott goes to Trump its all over

  16. #41

    Re: US election prediction

    Is that it all done and dusted then?

  17. #42

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Is that it all done and dusted then?
    I think this is where it starts. The next weeks and months won't be pretty.

    We're going to see a powerful man break down in front of us, and who/what is he going to take with him?

    The responsibility is now with the high level republicans, McConnell particularly, to get him to accept reality.

  18. #43

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    Is that it all done and dusted then?
    I think this could drag on for a long time. Obviously it is only fair to allow recounts where the various state laws permit this. However if after all that Biden does win and Trump was a normal rational person he would graciously accept defeat and move along. Sadly he is not and things could get very ugly. Hopefully some of those closest to him will be able to make him see sense but unfortunately there is a vast army of Trump devotees out there who happily accept that the election has been rigged - because their leader says it was. I think once a population distrusts the integrity of the democratic process then this becomes a very dangerous situation which could go far beyond the usual looting of designer goods stores (or is it only Democrats who do that sort of thing?).

    IMO the whole electoral system in the USA needs revision to a one man - one vote system. Forget this electoral college nonsense!

  19. #44

    Re: US election prediction

    Nice comment by someone on the radio earlier: "USA - the only place where people protest for less democracy".

  20. #45

    Re: US election prediction

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I think this could drag on for a long time. Obviously it is only fair to allow recounts where the various state laws permit this. However if after all that Biden does win and Trump was a normal rational person he would graciously accept defeat and move along. Sadly he is not and things could get very ugly. Hopefully some of those closest to him will be able to make him see sense but unfortunately there is a vast army of Trump devotees out there who happily accept that the election has been rigged - because their leader says it was. I think once a population distrusts the integrity of the democratic process then this becomes a very dangerous situation which could go far beyond the usual looting of designer goods stores (or is it only Democrats who do that sort of thing?).

    IMO the whole electoral system in the USA needs revision to a one man - one vote system. Forget this electoral college nonsense!
    It's incredible just how unfair and undemocratic the US Electoral College system really is: take this snapshot as an example:

    Wyoming with a population of 550,000 people has 3 votes so that means it takes 183000 to vote in one political representative.

    California, with a population of 40 million has 55 votes: there it takes 725000 people to vote in one political representative.

    Looking it another way, a Californian's vote is nearly 4 times less in value than that of a voter in Wyoming. Absolutely shocking?

  21. #46

    Re: US election prediction

    there are inequalities in our own system as well

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