Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
No I didn't go to Brecon in the first lockdown but have been since. At the time I was testing the water. No way could I catch or spread Covid in a car travelling from Cardiff to Brecon I said, but the WAG message was that I was at risk of carrying the virus from a high incidence area in Cardiff to a low incidence area in Powys.
Current lockdown I can't travel to Brecon although I live in Lisvane where the incidence is lowish, but I can pop down the road to Cathays where the incidence is 20 times higher. Strange times.
Fair play, you're looking at every single angle in order to bash this government. I hate the Tories, but i wouldn't go as far as to say that they could've got everything right during this Pandemic and criticised them at every given opportunity. A little balance goes a long way, try and get some.