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Thread: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

  1. #151

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    yep, still it wouldn't be that difficult to put some sheets over the clothing, or remove it
    I suspect they didn't get much in the way of notice to start rearranging their whole set-up. And why bother for a fortnight?

  2. #152

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
    you reckon that's why they're doing it-just to differentiate between Boris and co?
    Makes as much sense to me as anything else, if not more. Drakeford and Co seem determined to do their own thing, regardless of how much sense (or otherwise) is involved.

  3. #153

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    To suggest the Welsh government is taking these measures to get one over on Westminster is laughable nonsense

    Some people just like to whinge

    Its two weeks

    Its a pain in the arse but its two weeks

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    To suggest the Welsh government is taking these measures to get one over on Westminster is laughable nonsense

    Some people just like to whinge

    Its two weeks

    Its a pain in the arse but its two weeks
    .and 3 weekends

  5. #155

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    .and 3 weekends
    Well now you mention it

  6. #156

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    To suggest the Welsh government is taking these measures to get one over on Westminster is laughable nonsense

    Some people just like to whinge

    Its two weeks

    Its a pain in the arse but its two weeks
    Thank God we're not living through another World War. Could you imagine some of these snowflakes putting up with rationing and blackouts?

  7. #157

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Thank God we're not living through another World War. Could you imagine some of these snowflakes putting up with rationing and blackouts?
    Ah, the old 'war' analogy. It's been a while.

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    To suggest the Welsh government is taking these measures to get one over on Westminster is laughable nonsense

    Some people just like to whinge

    Its two weeks

    Its a pain in the arse but its two weeks
    I detect some competitiveness between Westminster and the devolved administrations which is natural , as we are approaching elections, like 3 tier Boris v 5 tier Nicola ,na,na,na,na, i got more tiers than you oooo, is Andy of Manch land up for election soon ??

  9. #159

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Dorcus View Post
    Thank God we're not living through another World War. Could you imagine some of these snowflakes putting up with rationing and blackouts?
    Mobile phones , amazon , online shopping , the Internet , sky TV

    I don't know how some people survive today , poor things

  10. #160

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I detect some competitiveness between Westminster and the devolved administrations which is natural , as we are approaching elections, like 3 tier Boris v 5 tier Nicola ,na,na,na,na, i got more tiers than you oooo, is Andy of Manch land up for election soon ??
    I have no idea

  11. #161

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Monmouth losing trade to Ross on Wye, Chepstow losing trade to Lydney.

  12. #162

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Monmouth losing trade to Ross on Wye, Chepstow losing trade to Lydney.
    On the plus side, Boris is happy to send Covid carriers to Wales despite WG requests.

  13. #163

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    I've just read the Technical Advisory Group's advice paper to the WAG. It's only 13 pages, not that complicated, and some of the conclusions are very interesting.

    A key paragraph: "Behavioural insights show that many measures will only work if the public are engaged, agree and understand that Covid-19 is a serious health threat that must be managed; there should be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. Messages and rules should be fair and applicable to all, and should reinforce why people are being asked to make significant sacrifices."

    As regards non-essential retailers, the conclusion is: "Very minimal impact on Rt values. Some limited evidence of transmission from China. Short duration and ability to distance in most settings and face coverings are likely to mitigate well."

    The advice paper seems to suggest that closing non-essential retailers would have a negligible impact on the transmission rate, but the shops were closed all the same and the WAG took things a step further by attempting to block non-essential items from being sold in supermarkets. If my understanding of the paper is correct, they certainly weren't 'following the science' on this occasion.


  14. #164

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I've just read the Technical Advisory Group's advice paper to the WAG. It's only 13 pages, not that complicated, and some of the conclusions are very interesting.

    A key paragraph: "Behavioural insights show that many measures will only work if the public are engaged, agree and understand that Covid-19 is a serious health threat that must be managed; there should be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. Messages and rules should be fair and applicable to all, and should reinforce why people are being asked to make significant sacrifices."

    As regards non-essential retailers, the conclusion is: "Very minimal impact on Rt values. Some limited evidence of transmission from China. Short duration and ability to distance in most settings and face coverings are likely to mitigate well."

    The advice paper seems to suggest that closing non-essential retailers would have negligible impact on the transmission rate, but the shops were closed all the same and the WAG took things a step further by attempting to block non-essential items from being sold in supermarkets. If my understanding of the paper is correct, they certainly weren't 'following the science' on this occasion.

    But the reasons given weren't scientific.

  15. #165

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    But the reasons given weren't scientific.
    Reasons given by who? And what were those reasons?

  16. #166

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Reasons given by who? And what were those reasons?
    Reasons given by WG.

    Stopping smaller shops being disadvantaged by supermarkets having more of a share of the market.

    Are we really back to this stage?

  17. #167

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Reasons given by WG.

    Stopping smaller shops being disadvantaged by supermarkets having more of a share of the market.

    Are we really back to this stage?
    Statement from the WAG this evening regarding their policy on non-essential items in supermarkets:

    "We continue to work closely with the sector and would stress that these restrictions are in place to stop the spread of coronavirus and save lives."

  18. #168

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Monmouth losing trade to Ross on Wye, Chepstow losing trade to Lydney.
    And hopefully lowering the incidence of Covid

  19. #169

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Statement from the WAG this evening regarding their policy on non-essential items in supermarkets:

    "We continue to work closely with the sector and would stress that these restrictions are in place to stop the spread of coronavirus and save lives."
    One for the pedant who has a grudge against it.

  20. #170

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    One for the pedant who has a grudge against it.
    I don't even know what that means.

  21. #171

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    I don't even know what that means.
    I confuse myself regularly, so I'm happily accepting that I'm 1-0 down on that one.

    I think I'm referring to someone who has their bee in a bonnet about something so they don't like, so look for any minor loophole, difference, whatever, to put down the thing they don't like, but by doing so, they intentionally miss the bigger picture.

  22. #172

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    I confuse myself regularly, so I'm happily accepting that I'm 1-0 down on that one.

    I think I'm referring to someone who has their bee in a bonnet about something so they don't like, so look for any minor loophole, difference, whatever, to put down the thing they don't like, but by doing so, they intentionally miss the bigger picture.
    Right. Very good. But if you read the guide note, it's crystal clear that the advice to the WAG was that there needs to be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. In order for it to be effective, the WAG badly needed to get the public onboard with this firebreak lockdown, but I believe they've made a complete pig's ear of doing that. Instead, they've actually done the opposite of what was needed in that regard - they've confused people and pissed a lot of people off rather than engage the public.

    To me, that is the bigger picture.

  23. #173

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Right. Very good. But if you read the guide note, it's crystal clear that the advice to the WAG was that there needs to be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. In order for it to be effective, the WAG badly needed to get the public onboard with this firebreak lockdown, but I believe they've made a complete pig's ear of doing that. Instead, they've actually done the opposite of what was needed in that regard - they've confused people and pissed a lot of people off rather than engage the public.

    To me, that is the bigger picture.
    I think backing down over being able to buy tea lights and new crockery for the next 2 weeks would hav had a much more damaging effect on the public's adherence to the lockdown

  24. #174

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    Right. Very good. But if you read the guide note, it's crystal clear that the advice to the WAG was that there needs to be a clear, simple set of rules and messages with achievable actions and goals. In order for it to be effective, the WAG badly needed to get the public onboard with this firebreak lockdown, but I believe they've made a complete pig's ear of doing that. Instead, they've actually done the opposite of what was needed in that regard - they've confused people and pissed a lot of people off rather than engage the public.

    To me, that is the bigger picture.
    I couldn't agree more that WG have made a total bollocks of this issue and fully agree with your post.

    However, someone of limited intelligence like me knows the basics of people not mixing when they're not allowed to (and acknowledging any regulations that discourage that etc). Keep distancing if you are among other people. A mask might not be particularly effective, but even if it is 0.0001% effective, it has to be worth wearing, if not for my own benefit, but for the benefit of others who won't approve of my bad breath.

    I feel we're now in the splitting hairs over poor government advice zone. All UK countries are not covering themselves in glory here, but I feel it's being played out to divide people against each other. My feeling on social media is that people are as split on what to do about Covid as they were about Brexit.

    Governments balls things up regularly. They get things wrong. Mistakes happen, especially if advice changes. I couldn't imagine what WW2 would have been like if we had social media. Then there was a general unquestioning acceptance of how things were. Now plenty of people don't care for the opinion of experts.

    We're in unprecedented times. I don't blame any of our governments for getting some things wrong during this pandemic, where the logic and advice argues for something. The lack of acceptance for what they say is alarming and points to other issues.

  25. #175

    Re: Petition WAG Let Parents Buy Essential Goods

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I think backing down over being able to buy tea lights and new crockery for the next 2 weeks would hav had a much more damaging effect on the public's adherence to the lockdown
    Agreed, There's this perception of him as a weak dithering man in the same way corbyn was portrayed, albeit on a much smaller scale. Some of the people moaning about the current situation would've called him out for changing his mind. I really do believe that because people are pissed off with this charade and they can't do what they'd like to do, they're picking a fight. I have a teenager (like many other people) who has acted impeccably during this pandemic. They're the ones getting the shit end of the stick, they can't claw back their education and teenage years, yet it doesn't seem to be them that are whinging. Which generation are the real snowflakes, i wonder?

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