I have just finished reading the report.

There are plenty of well evidenced points and recommendations about process failures and lack of both independence and training for the unit leading on investigations. Also a powerful set of comparisons between clear policies and the management of sexism complaints and those of anti-semitism (although generally ethnicity and religion are well referenced in policies, procedures and website links). In a few sections the report identifies mistreatment of respondents as well as complainants, and notes allegations that the party machine in the early days of Corbyn's leadership was slow timing and manipulating outcomes through private social media groups.

There are examples given of clearly anti-semitic views expressed - mainly on social media: hatred of Jewish people, anti semitic tropes; and suggesting that Jewish people are responsible for the actions of the Israeli state.

There is also a consistent conflation of criticism of Israel with anti-Jewish prejudice, a failure to recognise satire, a failure to acknowledge that Zionism is a political ideology, a total refusal to allow anyone to identify an 'Israel Lobby' that acts with and on behalf of the Israeli state (to imply that is anti semitic!), and refusal to see complaints of a witch hunt or anti-Corbyn agenda through false anti semitism complaints (despite all the evidence for this) as anything other than more anti semitism.

Now Corbyn has been suspended and Starmer has decided that the Jewish Labour Movement (proudly Zionist and a protagonist in the recent civil war) will take the lead on internal training for party members and bodies.

I'm not surprised by any of this - but I am depressed. What is clear though is that there are a raft of recommendations in the report that virtually everyone in Labour should be able to support, and that if they are implemented will make things better. There are also a few recommendations for which the opposite is true.