Stopping work through voluntary redundancy meant have the time (and money) to attend nearly all the home and away matches for several seasons on the trot. It was a way of life until lockdown. I hate to think how many miles I've clocked up over the years. Two things have changed that though. Lockdown and selling up the family home in Cardiff after 55 years. Nowhere to pop into before and (for many years) after a match travelling from and back to the Midlands. More recently I'd been stopping over due to parents illnesses. Now all that is gone. I certainly dont miss the travel, the long hours on coaches, driving, trains and tubes or the finding somewhere to park, walking (in the rain) to stadia.....for "90 minutes of tedium"! I do miss the banter, the "edge" at certain matches, the goal celebrations and those moments where the hair stands up on the back of your arm as the teams come out.....the anticipation and infrequent but ever-to-be-remembered moments. Those wins at home and away where you leave a match signing your head off on cloud 9. Might I add "draw" to that. Leeds. 3 nil down and we came back to draw. How there were no broken bones when the third went in, I don't know. Carnage.
Will I stop going? No chance. CTID