Quote Originally Posted by Tuerto View Post
Work on the house beckons today. sadly. I wouldn't fancy living in West Wales, it's quite deprived in a lot of ways. I'd get bored after a while. I love the coast and the countryside but need a City to keep me entertained. I'll say this quietly, i've always found west walians a bit odd, the ones i've met down here are as tight as cramp as well!
I think, as an escapee to Pembrokeshire of over 30 years I have to have my say.
The place is not boring. Certainly you have to adjust to a new way of doing things but I can honestly say I've never been bored.
I've missed little from Cardiff, apart from not being able to get to the football regularly and the occasional bit of culture at Chapter.
I agree about the people though. The friends I've made, have pretty all been escapees as well. It is quite difficult to get close to the 'locals' who certainly have a different mindset to City dwellers.
Having said all that, if your circumstances allow, go for it. You can always go back if you dont like it. W Wales is hardly the other side of the world.