Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
Signs that Biden is inching ahead in the Rust Belt states Wisconsin and Michigan. Trump's Tweets this afternoon read like someone who thinks things are slipping away from him, but I'm still expecting the worst.
Best Democrats can hope for us a 50-50 split in the Senate now. And that’s a tall order. If it is a Biden presidency, it’s going to be a tough few years to govern. https://twitter.com/lewis_goodall
I'm guessing a bit but if I understand correctly, this means the Supreme Court is majority Republican (3 of which are promoted under Trump's term so hardly moderate), the presidency is Democrat (moderate), the Upper House is likely to be split and lower house is majority Democrat.

Trump may be significantly bad but Republicans turned a blind eye to what he was doing and now have 4 years of building up Pence to challenge whoever replaces Biden. In terms of, what appears to be, losing the main race they have won an awful lot by acting awfully. America is still in pretty bad shape.