Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
We all have differing personal views and health conditions/age, but to suggest we all need to be scared is subjective. Over the past 9 months doctors, Government, media, have all spent hour upon hour every single day trying to scare the population in general. The problem is the overwhelming majority haven't caught it, haven't heard of anyone they know - or remotely know of - getting it, and based on the stats - even those 'tweaked' by the two old gits - don't think they're going to get it. Worry away if you like, I'm not..
I know over 20 friends of mine who have had it, two more have said they've had it in the last 48 hours. Most have said they've felt weak and haven't properly recovered. I think 3 of them have been hospitalised by it, oddly enough all were younger and healthier than me. A few have had minor symptoms. One guy, in his 70s, drinks like a fish, overweight, heart problem, was asymptomatic! Most of them passed on the virus to others in their family.

I know of something like 6 Facebook friends who have lost family members due to Covid. One was cremated last week, the brother of someone I know, mid 40s, young kid now without a father.