Quote Originally Posted by lisvaneblue View Post
Good that some leading experts are excited by the latest developments unlike our First Minister. I was astounded at the stupid negative comments he made to the press yesterday. He was very negative about Pfizer's claims...." You would always want to read carefully what a particular competitor in this field says on their own behalf".

He doesn't realise that all Pfizer have done is report on the findings of a large double blind study, where the doctors involved did not know if patients were getting vaccine or a placebo until the code is broken. This is how medicines are tested worldwide. He really is anti-private industry.

Then he says "we will decide how to use it once it's available". Wales he says will be responsible for storage and distribution as well.

The facts are that supplies could possibly be available within the next 4-6 weeks. There is limited UK capacity for specialist distribution and storage at -80c, so he and Gethin had better get a move on and get a few logistic contracts sorted.

As for deciding who will get it first, well that will be sorted "once it's available". It needs sorting now. It's not as if you will be able to pop over to your GP for it.

Piss up and brewery come to mind
Drakeford is absolutely right to give a cautious message. nothing is certain with this vaccine yet, and some people are already talking as though the whole thing will be done and dusted within a few weeks.
this coupled with us coming out of lockdown could send a very bad message that people don't need to be as careful going about their day to day activities, which absolutely could lead to people dying. I would much prefer a leader who chooses their words carefully and thinks about the potential consequences of them than just waffles on like the UK prime minister.

if you think Drakeford can't organise a. piss up in a brewery then what do you think about Johnson ?