Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
Drakeford is absolutely right to give a cautious message. nothing is certain with this vaccine yet, and some people are already talking as though the whole thing will be done and dusted within a few weeks.
this coupled with us coming out of lockdown could send a very bad message that people don't need to be as careful going about their day to day activities, which absolutely could lead to people dying. I would much prefer a leader who chooses their words carefully and thinks about the potential consequences of them than just waffles on like the UK prime minister.

if you think Drakeford can't organise a. piss up in a brewery then what do you think about Johnson ?
He wasn't just being cautious he was more or less suggesting that the Pfizer data should not be trusted.

As for him thinking about potential consequences, he is easing lockdown in Merthyr a place with the highest incidence in UK because his government may lose credibility if he didn't. What could the potential consequences of that be?

Then you look at the shoppers in Cardiff yesterday and wonder if the blanket easing of lockdown is going to come back to bite him.