Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
yes i think this is going all the way to the supreme high court with Trump at the helm . just a couple of flicks on the internet will see his team gathering so called mountains of evidence in his terms . Personally think he will lose but that's my opinion but lets wait and see

surely after this fiasco the americans need to simplify there election voting system
What fiasco? One side lost and can't accept it. All the rest is noise.

Before the election all the free thinkers on here were saying mail in ballots were the mega fraud problems. This has subsequently switched to they fiddled the votes whilst our observers weren't allowed to watch to the Dems are in cahoots with the election software suppliers and have been zapping Trump votes and adding Biden.

It will dissipate over the next couple of weeks as recounts and state elections are called. Trump will continue to present himself as a winner because his personality can't adjust to being the opposite.