Quote Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
The ‘My mate & The Beast’ story;
My mate, his missus, who was driving (she’d recently passed her driving test) and their daughter pulled into Tesco, Pengam Green car park and she dropped a bit of a bollock reversing into a space, didn’t hit anyone though, no damage caused to anything. The Beast’s car was near and when she got out she apologised to him for her driving and was so relieved she didn’t hit anything. He gave her a mouthful of abuse, ‘You shouldn’t be driving, you’re a danger etc’, he ranted on at them on the way to the store. My mate, who had his daughter late in life, said words to the effect of that she knew she’d made a mistake but there’s no spilt milk etc, with this The Beast turned to their daughter and said ‘Tell your Granddad to shut up’, by now they were inside the store, my mate’s daughter hit back with ‘He’s not my granddad, he’s my dad’. He made some sarky comments, anyway, a store official came over after overhearing the raised voices and had the event explained to her, The Beast came out with the classic ‘Do you know who I am ? I want these people removed from this shop’, fair play to the store official, she told him that he’d have to do his shopping at Sainsbury or Asda from now on as he wasn’t welcome. The man came over as a self important bully.