Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
at one point the Church burnt heretics at the stake. Are you suggesting that the heretics, such as Galileo (who was placed under house arrest) who advocated science over religion were wrong?

Again I will state that we have laws to stop the promotion of bigotry and hatred, laws that can remove an individuals liberty via the justice system. This is the correct approach. however, we have moved so far away from that system its at a point where someone using the term coloured is pressured into leaving his job.
I don't understand how your first point is relevant at all. Surely it backs up what I'm saying we should be shouting down poeple who are wrongly persecuting a people. The church in your example are the intollerant ones.

Your second point is wrong because he wasn't made to stand down from his position for using the word coloured. He was forced to stand down from a powerful position because the mistakes he kept making showed he was not fit to do the role.