Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
heisenberg i,m half cut so i will say it as it is . the reason i have alot of info from the states is where i work we have an american branch and they tell me whats happening on the ground so to speak not main stream news

i've always said whatever trump does he will lose but knowing his fan base say they won't give in to the bitter end . the supreme court is where its heading trust me
Are you seriously not taking the piss?

Either way.. No, I don't trust you. Everything you've posted so far has either been proven to be false or simply misguided. It's depressing that you think you have some kind of secret channel to what's going on when everyone knows what's going on... Rudy Giuliani is on TV every day telling us! If there was evidence that would get them to the Supreme Court, why are they wasting their time with providing no evidence to district circuit courts which has led judges to disallow them from returning again due to the spurious nature of their allegations.

The fact is that you are simply choosing not to see that Trump and co are on a wild goose chase. At least this will all be over soon and you can hopefully have the decency to admit that you go it totally wrong.

Although, if you're anything like the Famous Disappearing Trumpos Circus act that we had on here, you'll likely stand by the fact that fraud still took place and every court and judge (even the lifelong Republican ones and Trump appointed ones) were complicit in it.