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Thread: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

  1. #1

    The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Well they are good for a laugh if nothing else

    What a mess

  2. #2

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Good to see all that money being spent on the NHS....not. Meanwhile Felixstowe is rammed, beyond capacity, with containers as businesses try to import and stock up before Brexit really bites. Ships have been diverted away from Felixstowe (Rotterdam for example). This does not bode well for supply chains as of January 1st with or without tariffs. Businesses haven't got a clue what to prepare for other than registering for customs. Government is talking about employing 15,000 advisors to help businesses fill forms in. What a complete shambles.

  3. #3

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    its a shambles of a farce, and I'd be very surprised if anyone thought any different at the outset. the fact is no one has a clue what is going to happen, and all that means is from 1st Jan 2021 we're going to have huge delays in imports, exports, international business, domestic industry and overseas travel. its a cluster****.

  4. #4

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Surely it’s got to the point now where even if you did vote for brexit you didn’t vote for this shambles? It’s a deliberate sabotage of our economy at this point.

  5. #5

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Surely it’s got to the point now where even if you did vote for brexit you didn’t vote for this shambles? It’s a deliberate sabotage of our economy at this point.
    I wouldn't go that far, I just think the vote for Brexit was undertaken on pure emotion (rule Britannia etc etc) rather than any critical analysis of how it would be delivered.

    The irony is that (one of) the aim was to improve control of our borders, and we are going to get exactly the opposite

  6. #6

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    A vote for Biden was undertaken on pure emotion............ Why does the losing side always take defeat so hard?

  7. #7

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Parti Mellow View Post
    A vote for Biden was undertaken on pure emotion............ Why does the losing side always take defeat so hard?
    No one is taking the defeat hard in this thread, we just are a bit annoyed that our country seem to be getting zero benefits from it now.

  8. #8

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Those who believe in independence should be taking notes as what not to do.

  9. #9

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Feedback View Post
    The irony is that (one of) the aim was to improve control of our borders, and we are going to get exactly the opposite
    I spent far too much of my time informing simpletons of this. Many people I know weren't so bothered about Europeans coming over here, they'd just been brainwashed into thinking that the EU actually controlled our border. I lost count of the times I heard people saying they wanted an end to Muslims coming into the country.

    Despite being able to prove conclusively that non-EU immigration was nothing to do with the EU, that we control what we do with refugees, that illegal immigrants are here illegally, not claiming benefits or taking our jobs, people simply preferred believing the nonsense they thought was right.

  10. #10

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    No one is taking the defeat hard in this thread, we just are a bit annoyed that our country seem to be getting zero benefits from it now.
    Precisely. We were warned about many of the problems that Brexit will cause at the time of the referendum. Lots of people decided to ignore the advice of experts and put their trust in knobheads like Farage. See America and Trump, where Trump's followers ignore facts to support their leader.

    On the UK's tombstone will read "We believed in bullshitters, not experts".

  11. #11

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    When you say nobody is taking defeat hard, we're four and a half years after the referendum. In that time whenever there's been good economic news, the replies always been 'we haven't left yet'.

  12. #12

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Precisely. We were warned about many of the problems that Brexit will cause at the time of the referendum. Lots of people decided to ignore the advice of experts and put their trust in knobheads like Farage. See America and Trump, where Trump's followers ignore facts to support their leader.

    On the UK's tombstone will read "We believed in bullshitters, not experts".
    Unfortunately, many people knew they were being lied to about Brexit but liked the lies they were being told so voted for it anyway. Ditto Trump in the US. Lies that enable people to think they have control (vote Brexit and the NHS will get £350 million a week extra for the NHS.....the power is in your hands) or lies that make people think they have been hard done to (Dems stole 2.5million votes) are one that people can buy in to. Keeping Muslims out of the country was another notion that went down well with enough people to help swing the Brexit vote. The "taking back control" of borders being thinly veiled (hurrah) racism. This notion sat particularly well with the white, male, northern, obese and less well educated. Prof Danny Dorling's research into Brexit voting patterns is a real eye opener. The ultimate irony is that the government now has cabinet members who are the offspring of immigrants try to enforce our borders to keep the immigrants out and stop them taking our jobs!

  13. #13

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Well I moved to Poland on Thursday Sludge. 400 jobs plus all the supply chain to follow me over the next couple of years, all new business into the new factory, UK plant will run out current contracts & be dead in the water by 2023. Went to Lidls this morning for my first "big" shop, total cost £21 !

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Parti Mellow View Post
    A vote for Biden was undertaken on pure emotion............ Why does the losing side always take defeat so hard?
    I don't think the Americans voted for Biden so much as they voted for the only person who could beat Trump. If they had a strong Democrat candidate It would have been a greater win.

  15. #15

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    I don't think the Americans voted for Biden so much as they voted for the only person who could beat Trump. If they had a strong Democrat candidate It would have been a greater win.
    You could say the same about our last election.

  16. #16

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    Keeping Muslims out of the country was another notion that went down well with enough people to help swing the Brexit vote. The "taking back control" of borders being thinly veiled (hurrah) racism. This notion sat particularly well with the white, male, northern, obese and less well educated.
    And the Welsh.

  17. #17

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Des Parrot View Post
    Well I moved to Poland on Thursday Sludge. 400 jobs plus all the supply chain to follow me over the next couple of years, all new business into the new factory, UK plant will run out current contracts & be dead in the water by 2023. Went to Lidls this morning for my first "big" shop, total cost £21 !
    How are you fixed come January 1st for living in Poland? As I understand it, unless you have resident status, you will only be allowed to stay in an EU country for a maximum of 180 days in a calendar year ( 2 x 90 days max). Or is there a work-related way of getting round the upcoming restrictions?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    You could say the same about our last election.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    No one is taking the defeat hard in this thread, we just are a bit annoyed that our country seem to be getting zero benefits from it now.
    Surely that assumption can only be made once we're out of Europe and operating under different conditions tgen measure our current performance versus our time within Europe .

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lone Gunman View Post
    And the Welsh.
    And some decent people who simply had a different view.

  21. #21

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by IanD View Post
    How are you fixed come January 1st for living in Poland? As I understand it, unless you have resident status, you will only be allowed to stay in an EU country for a maximum of 180 days in a calendar year ( 2 x 90 days max). Or is there a work-related way of getting round the upcoming restrictions?
    I'm told it's 183 days by EY, but working on a visa from January. In the shengan area there's no traceability, so weekends in Germany, Czech & Slovakia will dilute as well.

  22. #22

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    I’d like to know what the hell the ‘winners’ have won? Unless you are part of the usual crowd who profit from disasters.

  23. #23

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Blue View Post
    I’d like to know what the hell the ‘winners’ have won? Unless you are part of the usual crowd who profit from disasters.
    I've heard of things like "freedom" regardless of whether the economy is tanked because things are already "bad enough". "Taking back control" is another, of things we hadn't lost from a trade organisation we had plenty of control in.

    Ultimately, to the average Brexiter, no matter how hollow the victory ever becomes, it will still feel like a win, regardless of how much worse things get.

  24. #24

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Surely that assumption can only be made once we're out of Europe and operating under different conditions tgen measure our current performance versus our time within Europe .
    Can we hold you to that?

    I am pretty sure in a few years when the UK is in a pretty shitty position, brexiteers will be blaming anything but brexit for this, there will be no critical analysis..

  25. #25

    Re: The government get ready for leaving Europe adverts in the press and on TV

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Can we hold you to that?

    I am pretty sure in a few years when the UK is in a pretty shitty position, brexiteers will be blaming anything but brexit for this, there will be no critical analysis..
    Absolutely. The groundwork for this has already been laid - blame remainers for not believing in it etc.

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