Wilson was getting frustrated most definitely, but you could look at it from a different angle and that was his frustration came from his team mates lack of effort, or ability to do even the most basic things required of a footballer. These are Championship level players who often don't seem capable of playing a simple 5 yard pass accurately to a team mate when under no pressure. They take the wrong options time and again and put themselves under pressure (the goal a perfect example). There's more often than not, no movement for receiving a pass, they don't seem to want the ball.
I'm fairly sure he was well aware he wouldn't be playing with the same quality of players as before when he moved to Cardiff. I've not noticed a bad attitude from him in previous games to be honest. He is a hard working player and chases things when others often don't. The booking was unnecessary and a side of his game he needs to work on, but I can fully understand why he became frustrated as last night's game went on.