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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #8051

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    No point in recounting existing voting ballots is there ?

    to me you should audit the ballot votes for signatures and addresses etc but then again reading between the lines ballots have disappeared into thin air in some states !

    anyway onto pennsylvania the judge blocks certification


    things are hotting up just reading some woman has been arrested for voter fraud in Wisconsin for voting for a dead person !!

  2. #8052

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    No point in recounting existing voting ballots is there ?

    to me you should audit the ballot votes for signatures and addresses etc but then again reading between the lines ballots have disappeared into thin air in some states !

    anyway onto pennsylvania the judge blocks certification


    things are hotting up just reading some woman has been arrested for voter fraud in Wisconsin for voting for a dead person !!
    The Pennsylvania one is halted until tomorrow. There's no precedent for what the judge has done and I'll be shocked if it hasn't been rectified by the end of Friday.

    As for things "hotting up"... You'll have to explain why.

    If you think a woman in Wisconsin being arrested for voter fraud where the system is obviously working as her vote wasn't counted and...well, she was caught , is proving something else, then please spell it out for us.

    For things to go the way you think/hope they are then you would literally need to see them find evidence of hundreds of thousands to potentially millions of counts of voter fraud. Not dozens.

    Why do you think Trump hasn't gone after any of the states that Biden was declared to win early? Was there no widespread voter fraud in New Hampshire, Washington state, Oregon etc, just in the states that were called later due to the way that the counting procedures were run?

    It's all very exciting for people who desperately want there to be something underhand going on and there is some big conspiracy that Biden stole the election. When, in fact, it's simply that Trump lost the election because of his response to Covid and the BLM stuff. If he had managed either one of those national crises well (or even just slightly better than he did and not sow discourse throughout the states) then he more than likely would have won.

    One final thing before I go to bed.

    Can you qnswer this question, please... Why do you think the Democrats would need to allow people to fraudulently use their votes (dead people, different signatures, voting twice, voting later than was legally approved by the courts etc), destroy Trump ballots and make some disappear in places that they would be more likely to get caught, block spotters in counting rooms etc... Ultimately, leaving a lot more room to make mistakes and leave traces of evidence of wrongdoing, if they had the power to switch Trump votes to Biden using Dominion software?

  3. #8053

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    maybe so bob but why did she persist in filing a lawsuit in Michigan challenging the result yesterday ?

    can be found here as I ,m told twitter as deleted it on there platform


    I did mention on here jokingly about watermark gate as it was being reported at the time but never crossed over into the main stream media but on page 35 at the bottom it has been mentioned about the greying of watermarks found on some . surely if there was wide spread fake ballot forms surely an audit could pick this out putting it through a proper machine again ??
    Oh mozzer....

    Trump is now at 38 defeats and 1 victory. He's turfed Sidney Powell out of his team.

    And you're saying "why did she persist in filing a lawsuit in Michigan challenging the result yesterday ?"

    She's doing it because someone is paying her, not because she thinks she's going to win!

    Smell the coffee

  4. #8054

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Are the credulous still sending their life savings to Trump, Giuliani and the rest of the syndicate in the belief they are funding lawsuits to expose election fraud? This is the most cynical fundraising con yet. Very sad.

    Thought you may enjoy this one, Jon.

  5. #8055

  6. #8056

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

    Thought you may enjoy this one, Jon.
    How can such a dumb ass be in a financial position where he can happily give away millions? What have I done wrong with my life?

  7. #8057

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    How can such a dumb ass be in a financial position where he can happily give away millions? What have I done wrong with my life?
    Annoying, isn't it?!

  8. #8058

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    Mozzy, mate... See my above post. It's 100% unlikely to resonate with you because you seem to have strayed too far from the light with the election fraud stuff, but please read it and consider my points.

    The scattergun approach to accusations and lawsuits brought on by Trump (still without any evidence after almost 3 weeks of declaring that there was widespread voter fraud) should make you wonder what possible reason they could have for not showing their cards and putting this all to bed now, right?

    They haven't got time for playing poker with their supposed evidence as Biden is going be inaugurated in a couple of months and the transition of power has already begun!

    C'mon, man! This new look doesn't suit you.

  9. #8059
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

    Thought you may enjoy this one, Jon.

  10. #8060

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Nothing can stop what's coming 😜 you guardian reading leftist fools😛

  11. #8061

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    Nothing can stop what's coming 😜 you guardian reading leftist fools😛
    I know January 20th. It's even got a date for a change!

  12. #8062

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    I know January 20th. It's even got a date for a change!
    Trump will still be president 👍

  13. #8063
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    Trump will still be president ��
    Nurse... nurse... !

  14. #8064

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Nurse... nurse... !
    This might explain certain behaviours given the advocacy of the miracle cure


  15. #8065

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Mozzy, mate... See my above post. It's 100% unlikely to resonate with you because you seem to have strayed too far from the light with the election fraud stuff, but please read it and consider my points.

    The scattergun approach to accusations and lawsuits brought on by Trump (still without any evidence after almost 3 weeks of declaring that there was widespread voter fraud) should make you wonder what possible reason they could have for not showing their cards and putting this all to bed now, right?

    They haven't got time for playing poker with their supposed evidence as Biden is going be inaugurated in a couple of months and the transition of power has already begun!

    C'mon, man! This new look doesn't suit you.
    you will be pleased to know that his legal has lost an appeal today to overturn the decision in pennsylvannia . I think this has been designed by trumps legal team as it will go to the supreme court even quicker

    as for evidence check the 104 page lawsuit above by sidney powell in terms of bad practice at polling stations . talking of her just saw some footage of her claiming her legal team has now got pics and footage of ballot harvesting and evidence of more than 10 million illegal votes . No doubt this will be used in the supreme court as evidence

    maybe it's all b@@llocks who knows but lots of mileage in this election for sure get the pop corn out


  16. #8066

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    you will be pleased to know that his legal has lost an appeal today to overturn the decision in pennsylvannia . I think this has been designed by trumps legal team as it will go to the supreme court even quicker

    as for evidence check the 104 page lawsuit above by sidney powell in terms of bad practice at polling stations . talking of her just saw some footage of her claiming her legal team has now got pics and footage of ballot harvesting and evidence of more than 10 million illegal votes . No doubt this will be used in the supreme court as evidence

    maybe it's all b@@llocks who knows but lots of mileage in this election for sure get the pop corn out


    I fear I can't help but there might be bits of clarity in the following:

    The Pennsylvania lawsuit that Guiliani presented was first considered by a judge who was considered a right wing Republican. He ripped it to shreds. Trump's gang appealed. Three Republican judges, the lead of which was appointed by Trump shredded it even further.

    Trump's lawyers supposedly cheer because the strategy of presenting a shit case to the lower court, which was the same shit case that went to the appeal court can now be the shit case that goes to the Supreme Court. At which point it will be the first time it is considered by any judge appointed by a Democrat President. Obviously the swivel eyed mob expect the new make up of the Supreme Court to forget their oath to the constitution and overturn the Pennsylvania election.

    The lead judge said "“Voters, not lawyers, choose the president. Ballots, not briefs, decide elections,” Remember that Mozz.

    As for Sidney in Georgia and Michigan... completely different case. She may look she's away with the fairies but those fairies are funded by lots of people like your mates in the States who believe this shit and are happy to fill Sidney's bank account up to and beyond the point she is laughed out of court.

  17. #8067

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    i agree voters choose the president

    trump lost and has the right to challenge this using the powers that's presented to him

    over to wisconsin now think this whole process is going to supreme court too infact all of the swing states will me thinks


    if the supreme courts kick all the evidence into touch in all swing states do you think this sideny powell will be taken to court herself for false evidence ?

  18. #8068

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    i agree voters choose the president

    trump lost and has the right to challenge this using the powers that's presented to him

    over to wisconsin now think this whole process is going to supreme court too infact all of the swing states will me thinks


    if the supreme courts kick all the evidence into touch in all swing states do you think this sideny powell will be taken to court herself for false evidence ?
    Ever thought what username you might fancy when this is all over Mozz?

  19. #8069

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    They won't get to the supreme court. Feel free to bookmark this post.
    Just going to bump this.

    Any of yours you fancy following up on, mozzer? How did the FBI sting in Serbia go?

  20. #8070

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    you will be pleased to know that his legal has lost an appeal today to overturn the decision in pennsylvannia . I think this has been designed by trumps legal team as it will go to the supreme court even quicker

    as for evidence check the 104 page lawsuit above by sidney powell in terms of bad practice at polling stations . talking of her just saw some footage of her claiming her legal team has now got pics and footage of ballot harvesting and evidence of more than 10 million illegal votes . No doubt this will be used in the supreme court as evidence

    maybe it's all b@@llocks who knows but lots of mileage in this election for sure get the pop corn out

    You know that new evidence can't be introduced to the supreme court via appeals, right?

  21. #8071

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    MOZZER2 will suit me fine

    i would hate to be 1 of those multi user names

  22. #8072

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    You know that new evidence can't be introduced to the supreme court via appeals, right?
    exactly why powell and the trump team split . shes got her fingers on the pulse with dominion whilst his team did the donkey work with voting discrepancies

    they were going nowhere fast !

  23. #8073

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    exactly why powell and the trump team split . shes got her fingers on the pulse with dominion whilst his team did the donkey work with voting discrepancies

    they were going nowhere fast !
    This makes no sense.

    You said that they were losing cases quickly (P39 W1 L38) to get to the supreme court quicker, but they're losing because the cases have very little, or usually no, evidence. They would be taking the exact same cases there.

    There was a time when it looked like Trump had his new judge on the supreme court ready to make a decisive ruling in his favour, but those days are gone. It cannot happen now. I know you won't take my word for it, but it's the truth.

  24. #8074

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    agree but having been introduced to american politics maybe from this thread for the first time ever this time around i find the whole thing captivating

    to me trump has been shafted big time what i,m seeing on the ground obviously from what i,m seeing and reading from the states

    if he dosen't turn it around this time he will contest it until he dies .

    as for this powell lady now she s a strange one . when you listen to her she sounds so convincing with her so called evidence . surely if she presents her evidence to a court and it get kicks out she will go prison her self

    heres a clip of her in action with her big mouth


  25. #8075

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    agree but having been introduced to american politics maybe from this thread for the first time ever this time around i find the whole thing captivating

    to me trump has been shafted big time what i,m seeing on the ground obviously from what i,m seeing and reading from the states

    if he dosen't turn it around this time he will contest it until he dies .

    as for this powell lady now she s a strange one . when you listen to her she sounds so convincing with her so called evidence . surely if she presents her evidence to a court and it get kicks out she will go prison her self

    heres a clip of her in action with her big mouth

    They don't introduce the evidence to court though, that's the point! They tell everyone about it beforehand to raise funds, but when they're actually IN COURT they not only don't show evidence but they (and I mean from Guiliani down) say "we are not alleging fraud".

    That's because lying to the public has no consequences but can be lucrative, but lying in court has serious consequences. So they don't do it.

    This has happened over 30 times in a few weeks. Judges are saying things like "this case has absolutely no merit" * and you are STILL falling for it every time there's a new one!

    * https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/11/27/...tion-case.html

    (Also LOL @ the 'from what I'm seeing on the ground' line

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