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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #8076
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The big worry is how many fires trump will light between now and his departure, there's some big warships in the Persian gulf , another assassination in Iran .

  2. #8077

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    There's also the lin wood case as well 🤔
    Last edited by Rogersblue; 28-11-20 at 05:06. Reason: Spelt wrong

  3. #8078

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Meanwhile in Milwaukee county Wisconsin at a cost of $3 million dollars the Trump funded hand recount resulted in a net gain to Biden of 132 votes

  4. #8079

  5. #8080

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Meanwhile in Milwaukee county Wisconsin at a cost of $3 million dollars the Trump funded hand recount resulted in a net gain to Biden of 132 votes
    I think it's all part of the master plan though because that's the stage we're at now with those who see plots, cover ups and corruption around every corner, but cannot recognise it when it's right in front of their eyes.

    Gluey, who it seems has more or less accepted the inevitable and looks to be playing for laughs now, was more convincing at making out that multiple setbacks were actually part of a bigger plan which would become clear to the rest of us shortly (it never did) than those on here who are still fighting the bad fight, but it was always telling that no one ever knew what the big plan was until after something they had been relying on previously had failed spectacularly.

    Finally, say we do end up in a situation where Trump does manage to remain President because the Supreme Court (including an inbuilt Republican majority) overturns a verdict of the voters which sees Biden winning the Electoral College by the same margin that Trump did in 2016 and securing over 6 million more votes than his opponent, are these Trump apologists expecting everyone to just go about their business as if nothing happened? We're getting close to a month since the vote and I see nothing yet to justify all of the claims of an electoral fix.

  6. #8081

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    Ah, the new Fox news;-


  7. #8082

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    agree but having been introduced to american politics maybe from this thread for the first time ever this time around i find the whole thing captivating

    to me trump has been shafted big time what i,m seeing on the ground obviously from what i,m seeing and reading from the states

    if he dosen't turn it around this time he will contest it until he dies .

    as for this powell lady now she s a strange one . when you listen to her she sounds so convincing with her so called evidence . surely if she presents her evidence to a court and it get kicks out she will go prison her self

    heres a clip of her in action with her big mouth

    There is a well known phrase about telling truth to power. This guy is one of a number who Trump fired because of it.


    “Look, I think these — we can go on and on with all the farcical claims alleging — interference in the 2020 election, but the proof is in the ballots,” Krebs said. “The recounts are consistent with the initial count, and to me, that's further evidence, that's confirmation that the systems used in the 2020 election performed as expected, and the American people should have 100 percent confidence in their vote.”

    As I said before Sidney, Lin Wood, Guiliani, Uncle Tom Cobley and all have to prove two balancing things. That the Commie software switched tens to hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden or added/removed them and broadly the same number of paper ballots were switched or added/removed under the noses of the poll watchers and recount watchers to make sure the commie software and physical ballots tallied.

    I don't know what you are seeing on the ground that changes that simple conundrum but could you ask Santa to send me some as it could brighten up Christmas!

  8. #8083

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    now that is interesting which basically paves the way for the states legislators can choose the electors !

    times 6 states this is going to get messy

    think this thread is going to roll on for a long time

  9. #8084

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    now that is interesting which basically paves the way for the states legislators can choose the electors !

    times 6 states this is going to get messy

    think this thread is going to roll on for a long time
    Don't worry about pesky facts when you have Trump lawyers on Newsmax. Those Rs stand for Republican by the way.


    The proposed resolution, if it gets introduced, has only a short life since the legislative session ends on Monday, Nov. 30. All pending bills and resolutions will die at its conclusion.

    A spokesman for House Speaker Bryan Cutler, R-Lancaster County, said Cutler was not involved in writing the resolution. Cutler also has not scheduled any session days to consider it before the session’s end.

    A spokesman for House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff, R-Centre County, repeated on Friday what his caucus leaders stated earlier; they are standing by tradition of the popular vote winner in the presidential race getting the electors.

  10. #8085

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I think it's all part of the master plan though because that's the stage we're at now with those who see plots, cover ups and corruption around every corner, but cannot recognise it when it's right in front of their eyes.

    Gluey, who it seems has more or less accepted the inevitable and looks to be playing for laughs now, was more convincing at making out that multiple setbacks were actually part of a bigger plan which would become clear to the rest of us shortly (it never did) than those on here who are still fighting the bad fight, but it was always telling that no one ever knew what the big plan was until after something they had been relying on previously had failed spectacularly.

    Finally, say we do end up in a situation where Trump does manage to remain President because the Supreme Court (including an inbuilt Republican majority) overturns a verdict of the voters which sees Biden winning the Electoral College by the same margin that Trump did in 2016 and securing over 6 million more votes than his opponent, are these Trump apologists expecting everyone to just go about their business as if nothing happened? We're getting close to a month since the vote and I see nothing yet to justify all of the claims of an electoral fix.
    We're getting close to a month since the vote and I see nothing yet to justify all of the claims of an electoral fix.[/QUOTE]

    they sent out 1.8 million ballots and receive 2.5 million so they claim in pennsylvania !! no evidence ?

    see link fast forward onto 4 minutes where there senator mentions this


  11. #8086

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    We're getting close to a month since the vote and I see nothing yet to justify all of the claims of an electoral fix.
    they sent out 1.8 million ballots and receive 2.5 million so they claim in pennsylvania !! no evidence ?

    see link fast forward onto 4 minutes where there senator mentions this



    Do you want to buy a bridge?

  12. #8087

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Mozzer, I'd recommend you looking back over the last few pages and seeing just how many of the things you've posted have turned out to be utter bollocks.

  13. #8088

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Mozzer, I'd recommend you looking back over the last few pages and seeing just how many of the things you've posted have turned out to be utter bollocks.
    You could set him a sterner challenge and ask him to find something he posted that didn't.

  14. #8089

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    so then just to deviate slightly i see the democrats are out to 'GET' trump after January the 20'th if he fails to over turn the result

    as you lot know more than me what has trump done in the last 4 years to warrant such rage amongst the democrats ? From what I been reading they say he was in bed with the russians which I've just googled which turned out to be untrue . An Impeachment case where they didn't find anything and so on . please enlighten me i,m all ears


  15. #8090

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    so then just to deviate slightly i see the democrats are out to 'GET' trump after January the 20'th if he fails to over turn the result

    as you lot know more than me what has trump done in the last 4 years to warrant such rage amongst the democrats ? From what I been reading they say he was in bed with the russians which I've just googled which turned out to be untrue . An Impeachment case where they didn't find anything and so on . please enlighten me i,m all ears

    Personally, much as I like the idea of Trump behind bars, unless there is any nailed on stuff how he might have broken criminal law I would just move on and let him fester and don't give him and his gullible followers something to rail against.

    Over the last few years I have seen and tried to argue against enough conspiracy and blatant bullshit to last a lifetime. If Biden has any sense he will dampen down the calls for some kind of a payback against a guy who spent 4 years not trying to do the best for a country but targeting anything that the previous President did that was perceived to be positive and relishing undoing or trashing it.

  16. #8091

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Mozzer, I'd recommend you looking back over the last few pages and seeing just how many of the things you've posted have turned out to be utter bollocks.
    your lucky i don't post everything i see !

    the latest one i,ve come across a printing factory in china producing USA ballot papers

    but just to keep it slightly real dane county has a problem it seems


  17. #8092

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[16]

  18. #8093

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    your lucky i don't post everything i see !

    the latest one i,ve come across a printing factory in china producing USA ballot papers

    but just to keep it slightly real dane county has a problem it seems

    Why don't you choose one of the 20 odd fairy tales that you've posted so far and give us an update? Just one will do.

  19. #8094

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    No point in recounting existing voting ballots is there ?

    to me you should audit the ballot votes for signatures and addresses etc but then again reading between the lines ballots have disappeared into thin air in some states !

    anyway onto pennsylvania the judge blocks certification


    things are hotting up just reading some woman has been arrested for voter fraud in Wisconsin for voting for a dead person !!
    I remember this bit because it was actually based on fact. It was a bit bizarre as it didn't impact the certification of the Presidential Election as that had already taken place but did freeze the certification of the election of the Republican who brought the lawsuit.

    Anyway....... another one bites the dust!


  20. #8095
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Personally, much as I like the idea of Trump behind bars, unless there is any nailed on stuff how he might have broken criminal law I would just move on and let him fester and don't give him and his gullible followers something to rail against.

    Over the last few years I have seen and tried to argue against enough conspiracy and blatant bullshit to last a lifetime. If Biden has any sense he will dampen down the calls for some kind of a payback against a guy who spent 4 years not trying to do the best for a country but targeting anything that the previous President did that was perceived to be positive and relishing undoing or trashing it.
    I'm sure Trump is due a period behind bars - for fraud, money laundering, shafting creditors, libel, slander and (if given the chance) perjury. Strangely being a narcisistic, cowardly arsehole is perfectly legal in the USA.

    But I expect he will evade justice by a self inflicted heart attack on the 13th green before 'the law' can catch up with him. Of course it will be the greatest heart attack ever....

  21. #8096

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I'm sure Trump is due a period behind bars - for fraud, money laundering, shafting creditors, libel, slander and (if given the chance) perjury. Strangely being a narcisistic, cowardly arsehole is perfectly legal in the USA.

    But I expect he will evade justice by a self inflicted heart attack on the 13th green before 'the law' can catch up with him. Of course it will be the greatest heart attack ever....

  22. #8097

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    The Gateway Pundit is an American far-right[8] news and opinion website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[16]
    well i am a little wet behind the ears in american politics

  23. #8098
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    No it wasn't.

    But surely that is the way he would want to go - with a club in his hand and the biggest crowd ever to witness the event?

    If he's really lucky Brendon Gleeson might agree to play him (again) in the film. More than he deserves, but hey....

    Maybe you could ask your sources in batshit conspiracy central for their opinion?

  24. #8099

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    you will be pleased to know that his legal has lost an appeal today to overturn the decision in pennsylvannia . I think this has been designed by trumps legal team as it will go to the supreme court even quicker

    They lost another appeal today, so they're doing well.

    Out of interest, does anyone know if this is the normal procedure for cases? Try to lose as quickly as you can to get to the biggest one?

    Because I thought winning in court was supposed to be the good outcome. Why don't regular lawyers do this, and bring no evidence so they lose as fast as they can?

  25. #8100

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    I'm sure Trump is due a period behind bars - for fraud, money laundering, shafting creditors, libel, slander and (if given the chance) perjury. Strangely being a narcisistic, cowardly arsehole is perfectly legal in the USA.

    But I expect he will evade justice by a self inflicted heart attack on the 13th green before 'the law' can catch up with him. Of course it will be the greatest heart attack ever....
    oh! oh! and the quarter of a million lives he just didn't give a fecking shite about

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