I went for a blood test this morning, thousands must go for one every day, why can’t they give the COVID jab then while we’re in the building, saves a bit of messing about. I’ve got a bit of a funny story about my surgery visit this morning as well. I’ve been having a bit a trouble with my shoulder lately and have had a couple of phone appointments with my GP, her telling me to get back in touch if it persists. It has persisted so seeing as I was at the surgery today I thought I’d make another appointment. The receptionist tells me that they can only accept telephone requests. So she tells me to phone her, I’m then sat about five yards away from her, sat down phoning her. No answer, I’m called in for my blood test and put my phone on speaker, not wanting to lose my place in the queue. I tell the nurse the reason why my phone is on speaker to her amusement.
Anyway, blood test over I go back into the waiting room, phone tone still on speaker. The receptionist asks me if I’m phoning the correct number as their phone isn’t ringing. I show her my phone, it’s the correct number with the word ‘Doctor’ on my screen. I assure her that I’m not cheating on them with another surgery. She then gives me another number to ring, still not coming through to them, cue panic behind the counter, “The phones aren’t working, the phones aren’t working”. I wonder how many patients were ringing in to no avail until my episode? Anyway, she gave me my appointment over the counter then...the old face to face ways are sometimes the best