Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
The area of Wales we live in is more akin to the west Midlands, the west Yorkshire metropolitan area , Greater Manchester etc

In other words most of the country's population live in a line north and south of the M4 , starting at Newport, ending in Swansea with cardiff and the valleys in between with some semi rural areas

Just like the areas I have mentioned

Its no surprise that the spread of the virus is at its highest in the areas of greatest population densities , towns and cities along the M4 or in the North, the population centre of Wrexham

We need to compare like with like ......what has been the distribution of the vaccine to urban South Wales and what is the uptake and what has been the distribution and uptake in say west Yorkshire ��

If we have a level playing field only then are we to make sensible comparisons

This is a global pandemic and its clear that all of the UK hasn't dealt with it well , people have broken rules and when given an ease of restrictions have acted like its party time . A few weeks ago people were saying drakefords lockdown was a waste of time ....it wasn't, it stalled the initial virus .....but then the new bugger came along and its still his fault .
You will have great difficulty in comparing like for like or a level playing field. Main reason is the Sennedd will not release any data. We do not know how many vaccine doses we have received, how many we have implemented so far and what is the likely time table between now and April.
It is a guarantee that the Welsh Government cannot be accused of failing.