Quote Originally Posted by NYCBlue View Post
He called him out in public. He didn't directly blame him for costing the club a result and single him out in a poor team performance. Also, Harris is no Brendan Rodgers. Maybe when Brendan Rodgers calls you out, if gives you a kick up the arse and sends a message to the rest of the squad. I very much doubt that Harris holds sway in equal measure.
He told the press that Matthews would be reminded of that own goal for the rest of his career and he had no idea what was going through his head. Or words to that effect.

18 and our player.

If Bagan scored an own goal and Harris came out with that than this would be a 20 pager by now. Pitchforks at the ready.

Add in the fact we all know about the indiscipline at the club amongst the players and Jones lays into Matthews.