Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
I know there won’t be an exact, right it’s over time, as many need to get vaccinated yet and the virus will no doubt be around for a few years.....

1. Kids to stay with the grandparents (for so many reasons but mainly they both miss it so much)
2. Go to the pub with mates
3. Go to see a live band or football
4. Go abroad on holiday
5. Take my mum out for lunch

1. People realising that a life in debt is not good and to live within their means.
2. People supporting local businesses, and local businesses feeling the benefits of people working from home in satellite towns rather than large cities.
3. People given the freedom to work from home permanently. If it has worked for people since March, then there is no reason for these people to be forced back into an office for anything other than social reasons.
4. Families spending more time together as a result of less time commuting and a realisation that the odd visit to a family member can no longer be taken for granted
5. A pint at a pub with the missus and the kids staying at their grandparents.

Things I am not looking forward to
1. Brother-in-law coming for elongated visits when his cupboard is empty and he's looking for a cheap week of food.
2. Being back in the office for anything more than 1 day in a blue moon. I'll pack the job in if they expect me in an office again.
3. Resorting back to spending a fortune in the gym because it is "nicer" than running outside
4. Pubs and restaurants raising prices because of a few hard months. If prices are going up, then sod them.
5. Traffic jams.