Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
My thought is that the guy was (apparently) released on the morning without charge. That usually means the person was under the influence of drik/drugs and he was banged up to sleep it off, hanging been enough of a nuicance to be arrested in the first place.
Under those circumstances if he had been abused inthe cells the police would have found reason to charge him and further detain him to explain any injuries. But if they just let him go they must have been unconcerned about his condition and/or what he might say or do. The comments elsewhere that he was allegedly tasered twice would suggest he was at least less than peaceable at the time of his arrest. Bad as they might be the police don't as a rule go around the countryside tasering innocent people for the fun of it.
well there is good and bad in every part of society , 30 years ago South Wales police was guilty of serious wrongdoings

Let's hope as you intimate that this isn't the case regarding the death of this man