Quote Originally Posted by Delbert View Post
I think the confidence of the Welsh public in Drakeford’s ability to roll out the vaccine is dwindling by the minute.

“We won’t get another delivery of the Pfizer vaccine until the very end of January or maybe the beginning of February, so that 250,000 doses of vaccine has got to last us six weeks”.

What on earth is he saying here? If you’ve got a quarter of a million doses of vaccine then what you do is stick them in the arms of high risk Welsh people as soon as humanly possible 24/7 and if you’ve used them all up in a few days then that is a very good thing!
Woah, hang on. You have to remember that there were people vaccinated on December 8th who had their second doses cancelled. These people will need a second vaccine within a few weeks and the Welsh Government has decided not to play the lottery by mixing vaccines. So, this has to be managed. It's all well and good to say "give 250,000 doses as quick as possible", but in 12 weeks time have people whose immunity has expired because they have not had a second dose because of shortages.