Whyte would have been ok if we had a quicker midfield for an additional outlet. It’s my biggest bugbear of Cardiff is it’s midfield pace. Also crossing the ball directly to Glatzel is pointless he’s not quick nor strong enough. He’s not a target man and he’s not a on the shoulder into the channels man either. I’ve seen him for the last 2 games run the channels, and the odd occasions he gets onto the ball he’s on the 18 yard line with no one to pass to as they’re so slow. Needs to be played with Moore or as a false 9.

That’s going off topic but I don’t see Whyte slotting in any roles with his attributes

Either we lost sight of who we were as a club (athletic bully boys) or we’ve tried to transition to a different style and got cold feet when it got rocky.

Either way we’re looking poor and somewhat directionless

Hope Harris’ signings work out but let’s be honest, in this league they are cheap gambles so if he’s got to make diamonds out of coal.