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Thread: Well done Joe

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Well done Joe

    I hear Joe wants to double minimum wage to $15 dollars from $7.25.

    Whilst your there Joe, stop the tip tax that has kept minimum wage so low through many democratic and republican administrations.

  2. #2

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I hear Joe wants to double minimum wage to $15 dollars from $7.25.

    Whilst your there Joe, stop the tip tax that has kept minimum wage so low through many democratic and republican administrations.
    What are you on about? Get rid of something that is keeping minimum wage low... Well, he's meant to be doing that in the truest from isn't he? You know, by actually raising the minimum wage.

    Tips tax exists here too. Get your pen and writing pad out and start writing to Boris if you're so concerned

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    What are you on about? Get rid of something that is keeping minimum wage low... Well, he's meant to be doing that in the truest from isn't he? You know, by actually raising the minimum wage.

    Tips tax exists here too. Get your pen and writing pad out and start writing to Boris if you're so concerned
    Not sure if your on the sherry .

    I'll try and explain this , businesses in the USA don't offer decent livings wages as they can push a tip culture to make up that wage gap to keep workers happy , sadly the USA then taxed that tip so it's a double whammy for the bottom end earners ,and that has existed through many Democrats administrations , never mind union re.(so much for socialism )

    This country has far better minimum wages , and of course it could be better , over the last few years the nasty Tories have increased minimum wage and raised tax basic tax thresholds , yes more can be done though .

    Tax and minimum wages in the UK and the USA are very different, with us being in a better world is the wealth gap comparison , racism , environment, poor workers rights, and many other issues.

    I'm sure Joe will fix all this .

    This might help you : https://www.theguardian.com/commenti...tic-gratuities

  4. #4

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    What are you on about? Get rid of something that is keeping minimum wage low... Well, he's meant to be doing that in the truest from isn't he? You know, by actually raising the minimum wage.

    Tips tax exists here too. Get your pen and writing pad out and start writing to Boris if you're so concerned
    You weren't to know that Lom went to the US and all he got was a lousy "I hate NY" t shirt.


  5. #5

    Re: Well done Joe

    so sleepy joe that won the rigged election has already broken the rules already of not wearing a mask that he was telling the masses to wear them in the USA . I won't mention the way he's treated the troops in DC and tonight the Mexico government is warning his energy plans that was drawn up with trump are going to destroy Mexico economy in the near future , thousands of jobs will be lost in Mexico

    the last few days have seen looting already in places like Washington and Portland by antifa and there ilk burning USA flags yet no mention on the mainstream media . SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK

    interesting to see the approval ratings of biden and trump the last week too . for an incoming president Biden has a 48 per cent rating whilst the outgoing president has a rating of 51 per cent . says it all

    going to be a long 4 years in the US of A

  6. #6

    Re: Well done Joe

    Nice to see you're still at it mozzer with the rigged election stuff. Stick to your guns.

    Where on earth did you see Biden at 48 and Trump at 51?

  7. #7

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Nice to see you're still at it mozzer with the rigged election stuff. Stick to your guns.

    Where on earth did you see Biden at 48 and Trump at 51?
    Given the bollocks I've seen him post in the last few minutes, it could have been invented in his own head.

  8. #8

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Nice to see you're still at it mozzer with the rigged election stuff. Stick to your guns.

    Where on earth did you see Biden at 48 and Trump at 51?
    over half of america and over half of the world knows it was rigged not an argument the facts speak for themselves but Biden must practice what he preaches . think he will be up against it the next few months considering his sons e mails have been leaked

    trumps return to florida attracted more hits on u tube than Bidens innaugaration ! will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings

  9. #9
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    so sleepy joe that won the rigged election has already broken the rules already of not wearing a mask that he was telling the masses to wear them in the USA . I won't mention the way he's treated the troops in DC and tonight the Mexico government is warning his energy plans that was drawn up with trump are going to destroy Mexico economy in the near future , thousands of jobs will be lost in Mexico

    the last few days have seen looting already in places like Washington and Portland by antifa and there ilk burning USA flags yet no mention on the mainstream media . SHOCK SHOCK SHOCK

    interesting to see the approval ratings of biden and trump the last week too . for an incoming president Biden has a 48 per cent rating whilst the outgoing president has a rating of 51 per cent . says it all

    going to be a long 4 years in the US of A
    That appears to be 100% horseshit.



  10. #10
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Sheffield - out of Roath

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    over half of america and over half of the world knows it was rigged not an argument the facts speak for themselves but Biden must practice what he preaches . think he will be up against it the next few months considering his sons e mails have been leaked

    trumps return to florida attracted more hits on u tube than Bidens innaugaration ! will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings
    Maybe one third of Americans 'think' the election was flawed (some clowns think it was rigged). They live in a right wing echo chamber populated by religious bigots and white supremacists. For some of them there is no hope - but maybe some can find their way back to the real world?

    Over half of the world believes that the attempt by Trump to rig the election failed. Most of the world watched the attempts to steal votes by the Trump legal teams initially with shock and. disbelief but eventually with contempt. As Trump would say: SAD.

    The facts indeed speak for themselves. The lies also.

  11. #11

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    over half of america and over half of the world knows it was rigged not an argument the facts speak for themselves but Biden must practice what he preaches . think he will be up against it the next few months considering his sons e mails have been leaked

    trumps return to florida attracted more hits on u tube than Bidens innaugaration ! will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings

    I honestly didn't realise how far down the rabbithole you've gone.

    "over half of america and over half of the world knows it was rigged not an argument the facts speak for themselves"

    There's no facts. There were over 60 court cases, all lost - not because the evidence was weak but because there was none. The lawyers actually admitted it in court. I remember you saying at the time that this was a strategy to get to the Supreme Court quicker. As I replied at the time, that was not the case.

    "trumps return to florida attracted more hits on u tube than Bidens innaugaration ! will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings"

    Of course it did! Along with millions of others, I watched the bit where Melania carried on walking straight off the plane, leaving him on his own and double-taking when he saw she'd gone. It was hilarious. I didn't watch a second of Biden's inaugration. Absolutely no interest in it. But it's hardly a reflection on their respective abilities as president!

    "will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings"

    Excited to see them.

  12. #12

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    over half of america and over half of the world knows it was rigged not an argument the facts speak for themselves but Biden must practice what he preaches . think he will be up against it the next few months considering his sons e mails have been leaked

    trumps return to florida attracted more hits on u tube than Bidens innaugaration ! will post ratings up soon regarding approval ratings
    Well, that's some statement to make about over half of America and over half of the world knowing the election was rigged and I can't help thinking you making it has a lot to do with too much time spent in echo chambers - I admit I spend a lot of time in them, but am trying to be more even handed in my approach these days and so have been reading more of what Trump backers have to say. I must say though that it's very hard work wading through it because they clearly have a different definition for words like "truth" and "fact" than I do.

    As for approval ratings, I think you probably mean Trump's standing since he lost his job - he is slightly more popular now that he's playing golf in Florida as opposed to attempting to force through a coup in Washington.

  13. #13

    Re: Well done Joe

    here you go lardy couldn't link for some reason but copied and pasted

    Rasmussen Reports, one of only about three reputable pollsters out there, found that His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s first ever job approval rating as president is a pathetic 48 percent. Get this…

    President Trump’s exit approval rating was 51 percent.

    Read today that Mr Bidens campaign was backed by 145 million dollars by mysterious backers in what has been described as 'dark money '

    I will now sit back and see how Mr Biden does in the next 3 months I will pop back on this thread in April . I will give him a chance to heal America or in his words unify the country . I hope he does but think its going to be a tall order

    As for viewing figures I notice the inaugaration was watched by more than 1 million viewers more than trumps inaugaration in 2017 by the 6 major news outlets in America . CNN etc which is be expected

  14. #14

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    here you go lardy couldn't link for some reason but copied and pasted

    Rasmussen Reports, one of only about three reputable pollsters out there, found that His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s first ever job approval rating as president is a pathetic 48 percent. Get this…

    President Trump’s exit approval rating was 51 percent.

    Read today that Mr Bidens campaign was backed by 145 million dollars by mysterious backers in what has been described as 'dark money '

    I will now sit back and see how Mr Biden does in the next 3 months I will pop back on this thread in April . I will give him a chance to heal America or in his words unify the country . I hope he does but think its going to be a tall order

    As for viewing figures I notice the inaugaration was watched by more than 1 million viewers more than trumps inaugaration in 2017 by the 6 major news outlets in America . CNN etc which is be expected
    Trump's exit approval rating was 34%! How the hell can you believe that it was as high as 51%?! Seriously, Mozzer... What the f**k?

    The website you've got your 'news' from is Breitbart... Which, if you're reading their far-right propaganda site regularly, says all we need to know about how far you've gone.

    I can't believe how you have managed to post dozens upon dozens of "facts" about the election in the last few months and each and every one of them turned out to be false, yet, here you are, still falling for alt-right conspiracies and their fake news.

    Have you even taken a second to wonder why they always turn out to be wrong and why it's beneficial for certain groups to spread misinformation such as the stuff you've fallen for hook line and sinker?

    Trump has gone. He lost every court case except one because there was literally no evidence of wrongdoing.

    Some of his lawyers are now facing massive lawsuits for defamation due to their lies about Dominion machines and Trump is being tried in the senate again for inciting an attempted coup.

    The storm we kept hearing about ending up being a storm in a teacup, didn't it?!

  15. #15

    Re: Well done Joe

    Biden is a puppet, having his strings pulled, won't be there long 😋

  16. #16

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    Biden is a puppet, having his strings pulled, won't be there long 😋
    Agree he was the worse presidential candidate in history according to the man who said " how can i lose to the worse presidential candidate in history" that went well

  17. #17

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    here you go lardy couldn't link for some reason but copied and pasted

    Rasmussen Reports, one of only about three reputable pollsters out there, found that His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s first ever job approval rating as president is a pathetic 48 percent. Get this…

    President Trump’s exit approval rating was 51 percent.

    Read today that Mr Bidens campaign was backed by 145 million dollars by mysterious backers in what has been described as 'dark money '

    I will now sit back and see how Mr Biden does in the next 3 months I will pop back on this thread in April . I will give him a chance to heal America or in his words unify the country . I hope he does but think its going to be a tall order

    As for viewing figures I notice the inaugaration was watched by more than 1 million viewers more than trumps inaugaration in 2017 by the 6 major news outlets in America . CNN etc which is be expected

    I can link it for you, you got it from this:


    Which appears to be a forum for a Texan university sports team, as far as I can tell.

    Further down that page, someone else comments that two other reputable pollsters (Gallup and Pew) have Trump's exit at 34% and 29%.

    Giving the subject a wide berth for three months is a wise move for you, actually.

  18. #18

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

    Some of his lawyers are now facing massive lawsuits for defamation due to their lies about Dominion machines
    I'm quite looking forward to these. Money is about the only language everyone understands in the US, and there's going to be some big settlements.

  19. #19

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I'm quite looking forward to these. Money is about the only language everyone understands in the US, and there's going to be some big settlements.
    Word, yo!

  20. #20

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogersblue View Post
    Biden is a puppet, having his strings pulled, won't be there long ��
    Wasn't going to be there at all according to you and Q. What happened?

  21. #21

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    Wasn't going to be there at all according to you and Q. What happened?
    Trust the plan


  22. #22

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I'm quite looking forward to these. Money is about the only language everyone understands in the US, and there's going to be some big settlements.
    Yet again, lardy is ahead of the news.

  23. #23

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Yet again, lardy is ahead of the news.

    Only on my second glance did I realise that it said "billion" not "million"...


  24. #24

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    Only on my second glance did I realise that it said "billion" not "million"...

    He'll need to up his daily rate from $20k a day to pay that off!

  25. #25

    Re: Well done Joe

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    He'll need to up his daily rate from $20k a day to pay that off!
    Maybe Trump can ask Georgia if can "find" the extra money for Rudy? It didn't work with votes, but might work for cash.

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