Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post

Who was responsible for stockpiling PPE in the event of a pandemic? Was it PHW?


Wales couldn't lockdown early for a number of reasons. Perhaps the main one being as the UK govt. was responsible for furlough. As a Tory and a constant critic of locking down, surely even you can see that making businesses close without financial support would have caused further devastation to people's lives and livelihoods? The UK govt. played the pandemic down and dragged their feet until the end of March 2020. That's on them!

Also, didn't the Covid bill get passed into law after the lockdown to grant the WAG more powers over Wales' response? Before that, it appears they legally couldn't close the border... Just as Scotland couldn't.

In April 2020 Wales said they'd follow the national approach to track and trace. Ok then... What would you have had them do in that situation and at that time when the UK govt. was going on about a "world beating" system they were implementing and spending fecking billions of pounds on. No, you're not having that one. The money for it was coming from Westminster and they spent it on lining their mate's pockets.

I will concede on the Stereophonics gig as that does seem to be something that could have been stopped. They will have to own that one and the consequences thereof.

After all of that... Which one of us appears to be confused?
if the issue was one of public health then WG should have made a decision regardless of the economic consequences. There was no reason WG couldn't have invoked a Welsh lockdown. It is possible to have a lockdown without HMT support. Its crazy to suggest otherwise.