Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Just for accuracy like the one party advocating 'getting it done' won the elction. It is what it is.
Every time labour lose an election, which lets be fair is most of them, they come out with the same shite about the winners getting less than half the vote. They never say it when they win. A bit like remainers really.

The Tories won the election by a majority but they didn't get more than 50% of the votes (I'm including the DUPs vote too)

Which means "the people still voted for it by electing this government" is a lie.

The pro-Brexit parties won less votes than the pro-referendum ones. The Conservatives and DUP got less votes than SNP, Lib Dems, Labour and Green Party. That's a fact. Nobody said that they "won" anything, they just got more votes