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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #7051

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I think he's a bit confused there, there have been 3000 cases in Pembrokeshire, not deaths.
    It’s so remote with not many people (125,000) it’s hardly surprising rates are low.....mind you they are low everywhere now, swansea almost under 100 and cardiff 142, and that’s 7 days ago.....tier 1 anyone?

  2. #7052

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Sad news, I hope he gets over it;-


  3. #7053

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    It’s so remote with not many people (125,000) it’s hardly surprising rates are low.....mind you they are low everywhere now, swansea almost under 100 and cardiff 142, and that’s 7 days ago.....tier 1 anyone?
    Sorry, senior moment. 🤨 Cases not deaths. If there had been 3000 there'd be no fecker left.
    No doubt our rurality has had a big impact although I think we were worried during summer, there were so many visitors, but in fairness they had little effect on numbers.

  4. #7054
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Having just noticed the post count I have to say that Delmbox failed miserably there!

  5. #7055

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Infection rate continues to fall in Wales.

    With hospitality looking like reopening in May at the earliest in England will Drakeford start opening Wales sooner?

    Or will he follow England.?

    Good news that cases are falling. It will be interesting what happens when schools go back.


  6. #7056

  7. #7057

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    Infection rate continues to fall in Wales.

    With hospitality looking like reopening in May at the earliest in England will Drakeford start opening Wales sooner?

    Or will he follow England.?

    Good news that cases are falling. It will be interesting what happens when schools go back.

    If they vaccinated teachers now then there isn’t be any disruption.....don’t know why they don’t just get on with it, you know they will in the end....probably to late as ever

  8. #7058

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Got my vaccine today - go back in April for Pt 2.
    They turned the dental dept of Kings College hospital into a pop up vaccination centre and the dentists were jabbing us.

  9. #7059
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Any word on whether 70ys olds got there invitation for a jab by last firday as Gethin promised??

    I haven't had mine.

  10. #7060

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Any word on whether 70ys olds got there invitation for a jab by last firday as Gethin promised??

    I haven't had mine.
    My sister's partner got his on Friday for his injection today at the STAR centre.

  11. #7061

    Re: Coronavirus update

    My mother had to stay in bed the day after hers. Aches chills etc. Better the next day and fine 2 days later though out walking.

  12. #7062

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Hilts View Post
    My mother had to stay in bed the day after hers. Aches chills etc. Better the next day and fine 2 days later though out walking.
    I felt groggy as f**k about 36hrs after mine. Slept for about 12hrs and struggled to get out of bed.

  13. #7063

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Swansea and Merthyr now under the magic 100 case number per 100,000 people.
    Most of South Wales not far behind with Newport the highest at 144. Cardiff, Vale, Bridgend etc hovering around 100 - 130.

    Some areas of Midlands, London & Merseyside still very high at 450+. Miles off lockdown in those areas.

  14. #7064

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Monster munch View Post

    Swansea and Merthyr now under the magic 100 case number per 100,000 people.
    Most of South Wales not far behind with Newport the highest at 144. Cardiff, Vale, Bridgend etc hovering around 100 - 130.

    Some areas of Midlands, London & Merseyside still very high at 450+. Miles off lockdown in those areas.
    Good news. However we're now entering the 'variants' stage - every new variant that pops up [of which there will be plenty] signals a tightening/extending of restrictions. Listened to an interview on Radio 5 live around 8am. Another SAGE scientist preaching doom regarding the South African strain. At every opportunity the journalist effectively played down every single warning he gave [which in itself is highly unusual for the BBC], and he ended up retracting most of what he originally said..

  15. #7065

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Had my first jab yesterday. Only one slightly bizarre side effect - a sudden craving for bananas. I was a bit worried at first but then I read the patient information leaflet and found that the Astra Zeneca vaccine is based on a modified chimpanzee virus.

    Joking aside, no after effects whatsoever.

  16. #7066

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Good news. However we're now entering the 'variants' stage - every new variant that pops up [of which there will be plenty] signals a tightening/extending of restrictions. Listened to an interview on Radio 5 live around 8am. Another SAGE scientist preaching doom regarding the South African strain. At every opportunity the journalist effectively played down every single warning he gave [which in itself is highly unusual for the BBC], and he ended up retracting most of what he originally said..

    There’s 100’s of variants already, this is what they do, most are harmless. They will have to adapt the vaccine every year to counter it.

  17. #7067

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    There’s 100’s of variants already, this is what they do, most are harmless. They will have to adapt the vaccine every year to counter it.
    Yes, I know. Point I'm making is the vaccine roll-out is creating a degree of optimism which the Authorities see as a danger. The masses may become complacent and clamour for easing of restrictions, so they're now focusing on the many variants and the new ''dangers' we face.

  18. #7068

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Good news. However we're now entering the 'variants' stage - every new variant that pops up [of which there will be plenty] signals a tightening/extending of restrictions. Listened to an interview on Radio 5 live around 8am. Another SAGE scientist preaching doom regarding the South African strain. At every opportunity the journalist effectively played down every single warning he gave [which in itself is highly unusual for the BBC], and he ended up retracting most of what he originally said..
    Very unusual indeed. It obviously wasn't Laura Kuenssberg doing the interview then!

  19. #7069

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Yes, I know. Point I'm making is the vaccine roll-out is creating a degree of optimism which the Authorities see as a danger. The masses may become complacent and clamour for easing of restrictions, so they're now focusing on the many variants and the new ''dangers' we face.
    Oh I know, any opportunity to scare the public into further submission won’t be missed by the Government....variants, South African ones....whatever next?

  20. #7070

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Just been announced that Tom Moore has died in hospital- after his fantastic efforts last year, this is someone who definitely deserves to rest in peace.

  21. #7071
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    On my travels today I have heard BBC reporters on at least 3 occasions talking about the "South African" strain of the virus and saying there is concern that the vaccines won't protect against it.
    And in each bulletin there has been an 'expert' on who has said, they are not concerned and are confident that the vaccines will give more than adequate protection against it.
    And on the 6 O'clock news the BBC said it again, and again an expert that they have chosen (dullards) has immediately said the opposite.
    But they cannot help themselves, they have to report something negative.

  22. #7072

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Seems like good news on the Oxford virus from the always negative BBC.


  23. #7073
    Join Date
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Seems like good news on the Oxford virus from the always negative BBC.

    Yeah, they reported that, that it cuts the abilty to pass the disease on in the same bulletin in which they said the other. But you can guess where the emphasis was. lol

  24. #7074

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Seems like good news on the Oxford virus from the always negative BBC.

    I reckon even the BBC are sick of accentuating the negativity !

  25. #7075
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    I reckon even the BBC are sick of accentuating the negativity !
    Not sure they're sick of it, but there is less bad news for them to feast on..

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