Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
This isn't Jonny bashing because I like the guy and hope he proves a few people wrong on here but do you think it's a good finish or did he just stick his foot out and hope? I remember thinking that at the time when people were talking about what a great finish it was like that was exactly what he had in mind.

Might very well be my ignorance but to me he was in the right place (in itself commendable) and stuck his foot out as the ball game in and it ended up looking like a great finish when he didn't really know where it was going to go. Not that I cared, huge goal that was.

The goal's at about 2:12 on that link by the way for anybody who wants to watch it
Well, Dave Edwards says that Williams only needed to get a touch on it, so you might be right, but he’s outside the near post when he hits it, so he’s had to hit it across his body and it would have been easy for him to have put it over the bar.