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Thread: Brentford to stop taking a knee

  1. #26

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Any sporting event should not be used as a political tool just because of it's world wide audience.
    Sport has and always will be popular with supporters because of its escapism of the political world and what's going on in supporters personal lives.
    If politics creeps into sport which it has began too, sport is finished.

  2. #27

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Its been emotional View Post
    If politics creeps into sport which it has began too, sport is finished.
    It's not though is it, that's just an empty broad statement based on nothing

  3. #28

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by delmbox View Post
    It's not though is it, that's just an empty broad statement based on nothing
    Yeah absolute bollox and people that use the "shouldn't bring politics into it" are usually just avoiding facing up to the issue.

    The fight against racism is not political, it's a basic human right that everyone be treated equally.

  4. #29
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Sport and politics have been entwined for ever. The first marathon was an anti-Persian propaganda exercise! Berlin Olympics 1936. The 1980 Olympic boycott. The white South African cricket and rugby tours and the opposition to them. Sport used to legitimise or promote different regimes or ideologies. Sport tied up with commerce and used to resist regulation (alcohol and gambling especially). Sports crowds as recruiting grounds for political groups (sometimes from the left in Germany and east Asia, but usually from the right or far right). Now in the age of social media most sportspeople have an on-line profile and identity that cannot be cut loose from their identity (and sometimes example) as a player or competitor. If politics creeping into sport is going to finish it - it would have been finished before it started!

  5. #30

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
    Sport and politics have been entwined for ever. The first marathon was an anti-Persian propaganda exercise! Berlin Olympics 1936. The 1980 Olympic boycott. The white South African cricket and rugby tours and the opposition to them. Sport used to legitimise or promote different regimes or ideologies. Sport tied up with commerce and used to resist regulation (alcohol and gambling especially). Sports crowds as recruiting grounds for political groups (sometimes from the left in Germany and east Asia, but usually from the right or far right). Now in the age of social media most sportspeople have an on-line profile and identity that cannot be cut loose from their identity (and sometimes example) as a player or competitor. If politics creeping into sport is going to finish it - it would have been finished before it started!
    yeah but that's all a lot less catchy than a vacuous dramatic soundbite

  6. #31

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Its been emotional View Post
    Any sporting event should not be used as a political tool just because of it's world wide audience.
    Sport has and always will be popular with supporters because of its escapism of the political world and what's going on in supporters personal lives.
    If politics creeps into sport which it has began too, sport is finished.[/B]

    I'd also love to hear why you think sports shouldn't be used as a political platform, did you object to Rashford using his platform and status as a football player to pressure the government over FSM?

  7. #32

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Great decision well, done the brave Bees , when you consider they in particular have developed and have a lot of good young black players .

    Think it all as to end , before crowds return .

    Iwonder if the 6 nation Rugby players divided response provide a catalyst to change ?
    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    In response to each of your sentences:



    And, finally, why?
    You posted an interview with Wilf Zaha (whilst saying "this will upset a few people" almost as if this is just to wind up the 'libs') instead of giving your reasoning behind your initial, heartfelt post about your backing of Brentford not taking the knee.

    Come on, LoM, use your big-boy words.

  8. #33
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You posted an interview with Wilf Zaha (whilst saying "this will upset a few people" almost as if this is just to wind up the 'libs') instead of giving your reasoning behind your initial, heartfelt post about your backing of Brentford not taking the knee.

    Come on, LoM, use your big-boy words.
    Read the article in full, somes up most folks reasonable view of where this action has taken us , and where it why should it should now exit, all the big boy words are in there .

  9. #34
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Intresting article sure to upset some:

    The rather talented Crystal Palace winger, Wilfried Zaha, has said that he finds being cajoled into taking a knee before matches “degrading”. He has also objected to wearing T-shirts supportive of Black Lives Matter. He is “fed up” of “charades that mean nothing”, believing that the kneeling business is simply a kind of virtue signalling which hides a lack of real action on the part of the authorities. He also refuses to put his name to BLM campaigns, believing it to be simply a “box-ticking” exercise.

    Zaha is not alone among players who feel uneasy about the whole knee business, apparently. The elder statesman Les Ferdinand, now director of football at Queens Park Rangers, has said that the impact of taking a knee was “diluted”*and QPR didn’t do it. (Until recently, when they started again. I don’t know why.)

    Lyle Taylor, the Nottingham Forest striker, is eloquent on the matter, stressing his opposition to racism in all its manifestations, but saying: “I do not support Black Lives Matter as an institution, as an organisation. I’d request anyone who blindly supports Black Lives Matter to have a look to what that organisation does and what it stands for, because it’s scandalous the fact that the whole world and the whole world’s media got behind Black Lives Matter. Standing behind Black Lives Matter, all the big institutions, all of them sitting there saying Black Lives Matter — not a good idea.”

    Zaha, despite his unease still takes the knee

    Every week, however, the Premier League clubs are seen kneeling. It is unclear if any degree of coercion is involved: Zaha, for example, still kneels down despite his complaint. That it has gone on so long is at least partly a consequence of fans being absent from matches and therefore unable to make their feelings heard.

    While there is near unanimous support for the English Football League’s “Kick It Out” campaign and a disgust at racism, there is no great love for BLM among fans. During that brief interregnum when small quantities of fans were allowed in to a minority of grounds (largely in the south of the country), there was booing from the stands when kneeling took place at Millwall, West Ham Unted and Colchester United. My lot, Millwall, no longer take a knee, but stand in solidarity with “Kick It Out” and were warmly applauded when they did so by fans.

    The kneeling has spread, meanwhile. The England rugby team now do it, or some of them do. Not Billy Vunipola, however. The Saracens forward, of Tongan ancestry, is a devout Christian and objects to the policies of BLM. “They were burning churches and Bibles — I can’t support that,” he said. “Even though I am a person of colour, I’m still more a person of, I guess, Jesus.”

    And you wonder: were the team asked to kneel? Was it an imperative or simply a matter of choice? In the event, six did not kneel before the Scotland defeat and none of their opponents did so. The Irish team did not kneel before their game against Wales and an opinion poll suggested that 85 per cent of their fellow countrymen thoroughly approved of this radical, er, inaction.

    Devout Rugby Player* Christian Billy Vunipola chose to stand

    Meanwhile, in cricket, the England players knelt in last July’s series against West Indies but did not do so against Australia. The Australians themselves didn’t kneel either but stood in a circle or something to express their solidarity with indigenous Australians. It has become something of a pantomime.

    So, you can see what both Zaha and Sir Les mean when they suggest that the message has become diluted, or is a “charade”. Perhaps more to the point it might also be seen as divisive, given that some players are doing it and others are not — while others are doing it and hating every second.

    The obsessed left would have you believe that those who don’t kneel are unsupportive of the fight against racism — but that is a difficult accusation to make of players who are black and have actually experienced that racism first hand.

    I would maintain that it is impossible to separate taking a knee from BLM, as supporters of the kneeling business now (rather late in the day) suggest we should. Nor was there any attempt to separate the two back in the summer when the Premier League was handing out BLM T-shirts and TV pundits were wearing BLM badges.

    Perhaps if Fifa and the Premier League had done even half as much research as Lyle Taylor into BLM the “charade” might never have started.

    Rod Liddle
    You know someone's on a sticky wicket when they start quoting the arch twat Rod Liddle.

  10. #35

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by UNDERHILL1927 View Post
    It's their choice, does it mean they don't support the fight against racism? Of course not.

    Will some thick racists somewhere, use this as propoganda and a reason to further fight back against the recent wave of people taking a stand (ironic I know), probably.

    As long as we continue to fight back against all forms of racism and bigotry, I personally don't care how we do it.
    if your surrounded by racist I woul get different family or friends.
    if you believe the corporate propaganda your a fool.

    How about working class lives matter sounds fair to me.

  11. #36

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Don't tell me rod little is a Nazi ??????????? Lol

  12. #37

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Read the article in full, somes up most folks reasonable view of where this action has taken us , and where it why should it should now exit, all the big boy words are in there .
    You can still tell us your thoughts LoM. I don't think you're capable of doing that though. Actually, scratch that... I don't think you'd want us to know your real thoughts on this considering you've let your mask slip a few times regarding BLM stuff.

  13. #38
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You can still tell us your thoughts LoM. I don't think you're capable of doing that though. Actually, scratch that... I don't think you'd want us to know your real thoughts on this considering you've let your mask slip a few times regarding BLM stuff.
    My thoughts are in line with the black striker Lyle Taylor, the Nottingham Forest striker further down the article , and Sir Les , sensible stuff if you ask me .

    What is a concern as the article states the message is becoming diluted, and what about those players not wanting too take a knee , it doesn't make them racist if they don't take a knee, but will be wrong judged wrongly if they didn't?

    Do you think it should go on for ever then??

    Hope that helps explains my thoughts .

  14. #39

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    My thoughts are in line with the black striker Lyle Taylor, the Nottingham Forest striker further down the article , and Sir Les , sensible stuff if you ask me .

    What is a concern as the article states the message is becoming diluted, and what about those players not wanting too take a knee , it doesn't make them racist if they don't take a knee, but will be wrong judged wrongly if they didn't?

    Do you think it should go on for ever then??

    Hope that helps explains my thoughts .
    You said it was "great" from Brentford to stop taking the knee. Now it's "sensible".

    Also you're now apparently worried about the "message being diluted"... That's a bit odd considering you opposed people taking the knee from the start.

    Who do you think you're fooling on here?

  15. #40

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    they lost so maybe they'll go back to taking the knee

  16. #41

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    If Martin Luther King was around today, I think he would have backed the Kick It Out campaign (which I agree wholeheartedly with) but not Black Lives Matter.
    "I have a dream that one day my four children will live in a nation where they will be judged on the content of their character and not the colour of their skin".

  17. #42

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Llandaff Blue View Post

    I'd also love to hear why you think sports shouldn't be used as a political platform, did you object to Rashford using his platform and status as a football player to pressure the government over FSM?
    I don't give a sh*t what footballers think - it's a free world [?], but I go to a game to watch football not have political lessons from 22 dimwits before every game. I doubt 'taking the knee' has moved people in any direction on the subject, though perhaps a few stone statues did actually move. I seriously doubt it would have lasted more than a couple of games with crowds in attendance. They look like a load of daft twats when the do it and I reckon would be told so pretty quickly..

  18. #43

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by robjohn44 View Post
    if your surrounded by racist I woul get different family or friends.
    if you believe the corporate propaganda your a fool.

    How about working class lives matter sounds fair to me.
    How you've come to those conclusions, from what I posted, is beyond me.

    If I ever feel like I have a racist in my circle they are cut off immediately.

  19. #44

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    i could be wrong, but there seems to have been a rise in racism on Twitter since the prolonged taking of the knee. I think it's having an adverse effect now and it should have been brought to an end with follow up actions in place. Nothing has changed in my eyes.

  20. #45

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    For what it's worth, my view is Millwall's racist fans won the day by getting it stopped there

  21. #46
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    You said it was "great" from Brentford to stop taking the knee. Now it's "sensible".

    Also you're now apparently worried about the "message being diluted"... That's a bit odd considering you opposed people taking the knee from the start.

    Who do you think you're fooling on here?
    Fooling nobody still think Brentford are sensible and brave , again all of my 'big boy words' ( your childish name for me ) all set out in the posted article ,how difficult is this for you.

    About time you used that awful C word and showed your real self , try not pretend you care for others.

  22. #47

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    On a lighter note, apparently the knee bone (mentioned at 1 min 20 secs) is connected to the thigh bone:

  23. #48

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Fooling nobody still think Brentford are sensible and brave , again all of my 'big boy words' ( your childish name for me ) all set out in the posted article ,how difficult is this for you.

    About time you used that awful C word and showed your real self , try not pretend you care for others.
    I responded to this post by using the dreaded C word and pointing out all of the times that you've made comments that were racist or bigoted (or outright sick in regards to your views on the victims of grooming and rape) to remind you once again that you cannot take the high ground. If all you can say is that I use foul language then I think I'm winning in the morals stakes.

    My post was deleted by one of mods. Would have been nice of them to at least tell me why it's been removed. Was it the language or the fact that I reminded LoM of his previously disgusting behaviour?

  24. #49
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    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by Heisenberg View Post
    I responded to this post by using the dreaded C word and pointing out all of the times that you've made comments that were racist or bigoted (or outright sick in regards to your views on the victims of grooming and rape) to remind you once again that you cannot take the high ground. If all you can say is that I use foul language then I think I'm winning in the morals stakes.

    My post was deleted by one of mods. Would have been nice of them to at least tell me why it's been removed. Was it the language or the fact that I reminded LoM of his previously disgusting behaviour?
    You have no morality , and the use of language behind a keyboard is a weakness .

    I'm okay with my behaviour, sorry you don't agree with my views 😉

  25. #50

    Re: Brentford to stop taking a knee

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    You have no morality , and the use of language behind a keyboard is a weakness .

    I'm okay with my behaviour, sorry you don't agree with my views 😉
    So you stand by your comments about young girls being groomed and raped were asking for it? That non-whites can't be British?

    It would take me 5 minutes at most to bump them up the board if you want me to?

    I do have morals LoM. Which is why I abhor your lack of them and will keep reminding you about it, you stupid c**t.

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