Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
Good news from Israel who are ahead of all when it comes to vaccinating.....

Covid-19: Vaccine as good in 'real world' as in trial in Israel https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-56069460
Really encouraging.

My father had a call yesterday at 4:45pm to get a vaccine 12 miles away by 5:30. He jumped straight in the car and drove there. He mentioned to the nurse that my mother was in the car outside, and was getting her vaccine Saturday. The nurse checked and saw there were vaccines available (hence why there was a last minute invite to my father), and my mother then went in and got her vaccine. That, hopefully, means someone will get my mother's vaccine on Saturday.

I hope this is not the result of people refusing the vaccine, the evidence from Israel is hugely encouraging. There are just two questions remaining, how long will immunity last and how does it impact transmission of the virus. Absolutely incredible what the science community has achieved in 12 months. Still a long way to go.