Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
we don't want immigration and people fleeing persecution over here thank you very much .......but on Sunday the vicar is going to tell us how we should love everybody and be good samaritans and help others and we will all sing songs about the Lord and how we should be good and follow Jesus

But we are going to vote for a party that believes in the individual , not society and that charity begins at home ��

A Christian AND a Tory ? I am sorry the computer says no

Because IF the bible is to be believed then surely Jesus was an all round good bloke , kind , caring , fed the poor and respected others and forgave them if they did wrong ?

He was clearly a Liberal or a socialist , if he existed
You really are a muddled thinker Sludge. So you can't be a Christian and a Tory you say? Where's the evidence

Jesus was a good bloke you say, so you know what we did to him? We nailed him to a tree, speared his stomach and left him to die.

You trust paracetamol because it cures your headache you say. If I explained the pharmacological action of the drug at cellular level you'd say I was talking a lot of unbelievable nonsense, just like you say about the bible.

If you are going to judge something you need to consider the evidence from both sides in an unbiased way.

And do you think the NASA rover has landed on Mars or is it just a big con, because all the video evidence could be faked? Or do you have faith in the people at NASA that what they are saying is true