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Thread: Coronavirus update - NO MORE RESTRICTIONS

  1. #7251
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Coronavirus update

    See Boris has uttered the obvious that people must learn to live with the coronavirus just as they do with flu in the long term due to the availability of a vaccine .

    "The only reason I'm able to say...we must learn to live with COVID as we live with flu...in the long term is of course because we have this vaccination program and the capability to evolve our vaccines," he told parliament.

    Makes sense to me.

  2. #7252
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    I think this is the one thing that has made me think being out of the EU is a good thing.

    I don't think it was worth giving up our free trade and freedom of movement but this has been a positive.

    I think the tory government would have gone on their own with the vaccine campaign anyway. We committed money to Oxford nd AZ while still in the EU remember.
    We weren't in the EU, were were in the transition period, discussing a trade deal, given 12 moths for the old status quo to cease.

  3. #7253

    Re: Coronavirus update

    I spoke to Heather Lewis who's a public health consultant working for Public Health Wales leads a specialist team in the Cwm Taf area which monitors and informs public health decisions on managing the virus there.

    She helped inform the local lockdown we saw there in the autumn. She laid out a few reasons why RCT has been so unable to shake off high levels of community transmission.

    These include:

    - Mobility -

    Car ownership is much lower in RCT than other places.

    As people are more reliant on public transport which opens up more lines of transmission. Especially elderly people are reliant on others giving them a lift to get to places like a doctor's appointment.

    This mixing of vulnerable people with those who may well be asymptomatic is another way the virus can spread.

    This inability to travel also poses an issue for healthcare planners with regard to testing.

    If people are not able to travel far, they may be unable to get a test (you wouldn’t want people with symptoms hopping on the bus).

    This means it is harder to get a handle on just how much Covid there is in the area.

    - Employment -

    People in RCT are more likely to be in roles which require face to face interaction with others.

    Carers, supermarket workers, manual labourers - all those professions that we gladly clapped for months because the pandemic showed us just how essential they are.

    But it is the nature of these roles that you are more likely to catch Covid as you have more face to face contact with people.

    Added to this you have the fact these jobs are, in the main, not well paid and often insecure, which leads to people feeling they cannot miss work.

    - Family ties -

    This is a big one and in part ties into the employment side.

    With lower incomes childcare is less affordable and jobs are less likely to be done from home.

    This means a reliance on grandparents and other relatives. This increases lines of transmission.

    Plus, the lockdown necessitated a bigger behavior change in the Valleys than Cardiff for example.

    Often in the some Valley community there are multiple families living on one street.

    I live in Cardiff & know no one on my street and never go in their house. My behaviour didn't have to change.

    If my mum lived on my street the transition would've been a harder one to make in terms of the change to day to day life.

    - Housing -
    Even if you had 100% compliance with the rules, the nature of much of the housing in the area means the virus easily spread.

    Smaller houses mean it's harder to isolate and social distance.

    It also makes the lockdown harder to endure, esp when you can't leave home.

    Even if all these other factors that help the virus spread were not in place, RCT would still likely have more deaths than average.

    All those underlying health conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes and stroke are above average in the Valleys.

    This is just a snap shot. You can read the full analysis here:

    Another interesting thread from main journalist at Walesonline looking at covid. When we talk about lessons learnt from covid we should recognise that so much of what's happened has been built on the decade(s) before.

  4. #7254

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    We weren't in the EU, were were in the transition period, discussing a trade deal, given 12 moths for the old status quo to cease.
    Doesn’t make a difference we were operating under the rules.

    Being in the EU wouldn’t have presented any barrier to how we invested in the development of the vaccine.

  5. #7255
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
    Doesn’t make a difference we were operating under the rules.

    Being in the EU wouldn’t have presented any barrier to how we invested in the development of the vaccine.
    No I don't think it would have stopped them at all.

  6. #7256

    Re: Coronavirus update

  7. #7257

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    will I'm afraid be ignored by so many who now believe that Johnson and his Cabinet of political pygmies and chancers have earned their vote because they have, finally, done something that has worked when it comes to tackling Covid and, let's not forget, they also "got Brexit done".

    Meanwhile, as we approach the first anniversary of the claim that 20,000 dead in the UK would be a "good" outcome, 100,000 more than that figure have now died - around a year ago, Gluey was posting links to forecasts which said only around 7,000 would die in the UK, that many, and more, were dying in a week until recently. Despite this, none of it seems to affect those who have had the ultimate responsibility for deciding our Covid policy and I have to wonder what more needs to go wrong before the forty odd per cent start to abandon their blind faith in the UK Government?

  8. #7258

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    will I'm afraid be ignored by so many who now believe that Johnson and his Cabinet of political pygmies and chancers have earned their vote because they have, finally, done something that has worked when it comes to tackling Covid and, let's not forget, they also "got Brexit done".

    Meanwhile, as we approach the first anniversary of the claim that 20,000 dead in the UK would be a "good" outcome, 100,000 more than that figure have now died - around a year ago, Gluey was posting links to forecasts which said only around 7,000 would die in the UK, that many, and more, were dying in a week until recently. Despite this, none of it seems to affect those who have had the ultimate responsibility for deciding our Covid policy and I have to wonder what more needs to go wrong before the forty odd per cent start to abandon their blind faith in the UK Government?
    Maybe folks think no other party would have done much different? Unprecedented times as we keep hearing.....who knows?

  9. #7259

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Maybe folks think no other party would have done much different? Unprecedented times as we keep hearing.....who knows?
    That implies that a year ago people were expecting to receive news that, no matter what party was in power, people were expecting the Prime Minister to take a holiday as the virus was establishing itself in this country, they expected the PM not to bother attending the first five COBRA meetings in which the virus was discussed, they expected the PM to contradict scientific advice on shaking hands with the result that he ended up in intensive care with Covid. People expected all sorts of wildly optimistic claims about "having the virus on the run" despite ten years of Conservative government having left us dangerously low on PPE and a "dress rehearsal" back in 2017 for what might happen in the event of a pandemic hitting this country which was basically just ignored.

    I could go on and on and on about the number of mistakes, cock ups and misjudgements made by the UK Government when it comes to Covid because the list is almost endless, but I won't - instead, this video only goes up to early May last year;-


  10. #7260

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That implies that a year ago people were expecting to receive news that, no matter what party was in power, people were expecting the Prime Minister to take a holiday as the virus was establishing itself in this country, they expected the PM not to bother attending the first five COBRA meetings in which the virus was discussed, they expected the PM to contradict scientific advice on shaking hands with the result that he ended up in intensive care with Covid. People expected all sorts of wildly optimistic claims about "having the virus on the run" despite ten years of Conservative government having left us dangerously low on PPE and a "dress rehearsal" back in 2017 for what might happen in the event of a pandemic hitting this country which was basically just ignored.

    I could go on and on and on about the number of mistakes, cock ups and misjudgements made by the UK Government when it comes to Covid because the list is almost endless, but I won't - instead, this video only goes up to early May last year;-

    There's a hundred different slants you can put on this. The UK has a high death rate because we have so many obese/diabetic people, and we record deaths differently. The fact that cases & deaths trickled to almost zero after everything in that blog before surging to the heights of this winter suggests that those things had no real affect. The fact we left the EU after all those idiots who didn't know better voted for it, and now watch as the EU regions are in a civil war over lack of vaccines.

    Seriously, do you ever let up on having a go at the Tories ? Personally I couldn't care about any of them..

  11. #7261

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    will I'm afraid be ignored by so many who now believe that Johnson and his Cabinet of political pygmies and chancers have earned their vote because they have, finally, done something that has worked when it comes to tackling Covid and, let's not forget, they also "got Brexit done".

    Meanwhile, as we approach the first anniversary of the claim that 20,000 dead in the UK would be a "good" outcome, 100,000 more than that figure have now died - around a year ago, Gluey was posting links to forecasts which said only around 7,000 would die in the UK, that many, and more, were dying in a week until recently. Despite this, none of it seems to affect those who have had the ultimate responsibility for deciding our Covid policy and I have to wonder what more needs to go wrong before the forty odd per cent start to abandon their blind faith in the UK Government?
    you have to wonder why Labour haven't gone on the offensive more. at the announcement yesterday Starmer was completely passive. if anything Johnson attacked him more than the other way around.

    I can only imagine that they are purposefully keeping their tinder dry at the moment, so as not to be seen to be undermining the efforts to curb the virus, as I don't think an overly combative approach would go down well with a lot of people at the moment.
    hopefully there will be an inquiry at the end of this all, and at that point they will at least look to land some punches.

  12. #7262

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    There's a hundred different slants you can put on this. The UK has a high death rate because we have so many obese/diabetic people, and we record deaths differently. The fact that cases & deaths trickled to almost zero after everything in that blog before surging to the heights of this winter suggests that those things had no real affect. The fact we left the EU after all those idiots who didn't know better voted for it, and now watch as the EU regions are in a civil war over lack of vaccines.

    Seriously, do you ever let up on having a go at the Tories ? Personally I couldn't care about any of them..
    He’s not is he....I don’t vote Tory or labour, but I really doubt Corbyn would have done any better, it’s a bit sad to keep going on and on about it.....

  13. #7263

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    He’s not is he....I don’t vote Tory or labour, but I really doubt Corbyn would have done any better, it’s a bit sad to keep going on and on about it.....
    I think they would have been a lot less likely to resist locking down early enough in lockdown's 1 and 2, or open back up too early, as a lot of the pressure to do that came from the right of the tory party.
    We will never know though.
    One thing's for sure is the press would have been many times more critical of ANY Corbyn response than they have been of Johnson, who has been demonstrably incompetent at times.

  14. #7264

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I think they would have been a lot less likely to resist locking down early enough in lockdown's 1 and 2, or open back up too early, as a lot of the pressure to do that came from the right of the tory party.
    We will never know though.
    One thing's for sure is the press would have been many times more critical of ANY Corbyn response than they have been of Johnson, who has been demonstrably incompetent at times.
    A lot of the "Tory Press " has been quite scathing about Boris Johnson at times

  15. #7265

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    I think they would have been a lot less likely to resist locking down early enough in lockdown's 1 and 2, or open back up too early, as a lot of the pressure to do that came from the right of the tory party.
    We will never know though.
    One thing's for sure is the press would have been many times more critical of ANY Corbyn response than they have been of Johnson, who has been demonstrably incompetent at times.
    One minute he’s too easy going though like last summer, now he’s being too cautious.....you gotta laugh

  16. #7266

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Rjk View Post
    you have to wonder why Labour haven't gone on the offensive more. at the announcement yesterday Starmer was completely passive. if anything Johnson attacked him more than the other way around.

    I can only imagine that they are purposefully keeping their tinder dry at the moment, so as not to be seen to be undermining the efforts to curb the virus, as I don't think an overly combative approach would go down well with a lot of people at the moment.
    hopefully there will be an inquiry at the end of this all, and at that point they will at least look to land some punches.
    I think it's awkward for any opposition party because we're on as close to a war footing as nearly all of us have seen during our lifetimes and so a governing party can play the loyalty card and imply that criticism of their actions is, somehow, unpatriotic. I think that's rubbish and would do if the WAG tried such an approach as well, but I'd say it's quite a tough charge to disprove if you're a political party, so other parties in Westminster are having to perform a pretty tricky balancing act.

    We're seeing in recent replies to my posts that there are many who are, it seems, indifferent to, for example, the sort of unlawful acts Matt Hancock has indulged in - you and I may find that thread you posted a link to shocking, but I think we're probably in a small minority.

  17. #7267

    Re: Coronavirus update


    Up to 10,000 fans could be allowed back in by mid-May in England

  18. #7268

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post

    Up to 10,000 fans could be allowed back in by mid-May in England
    Or 25% capacity. City should be able to therefore accommodate more than three times as many as Bournemouth will be able to.

  19. #7269

    Re: Coronavirus update


  20. #7270

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Or 25% capacity. City should be able to therefore accommodate more than three times as many as Bournemouth will be able to.
    So about 8,000 at the CCS

  21. #7271

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    One minute he’s too easy going though like last summer, now he’s being too cautious.....you gotta laugh
    I've never accused any of the UK leaders of being too cautious in this pandemic. the fact we have about the highest death rate in the world suggests we could probably have been a tad more cautious throughout

  22. #7272

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Follow Boris setting out England's exit from lockdown Sturgeon is announcing Scotland's plan at the moment.

    Will Drakeford make a statement now or will he stick to his three week plan and only update in March?

  23. #7273

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Follow Boris setting out England's exit from lockdown Sturgeon is announcing Scotland's plan at the moment.

    Will Drakeford make a statement now or will he stick to his three week plan and only update in March?

    Possibly, she’s doing this to take attention away from domestic issues? I should think there will be some pressure on Drakeford after this though.

  24. #7274

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Morris View Post
    Follow Boris setting out England's exit from lockdown Sturgeon is announcing Scotland's plan at the moment.

    Will Drakeford make a statement now or will he stick to his three week plan and only update in March?
    Boris both has and hasn't set a plan out. There are a lot of if's but's and maybe's:

    As I've said this afternoon, up to a point. Even though we've had a lot of documents today, we don't really know what the exact criteria is, what the data is the govt is looking for.

    Lots of talk about “the four tests”- but in reality, they’re quite vague, their calculation could be made in several different ways. And the government hasn’t given detail on exactly what they’re looking for. Given that, wonder how immovable the dates will be, in practice.

    Is it better to have dates and an order to look forward to, which can change without much effort, even if in 5 months each nation might be at exactly the same point?

  25. #7275
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: Coronavirus update

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post

    Possibly, she’s doing this to take attention away from domestic issues? I should think there will be some pressure on Drakeford after this though.
    I don't think there is any need. He set a date 3 weeks away, BJ is talking about 5 weeks. No reason to change.

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