Quote Originally Posted by chris lee View Post
I have seen lots of posts, that see Ipswich as a bad stain in his CV.

But I have always been under the impression he did really well at Ipswich? Didn't they refuse to spend money for years and years, the fact he kept them a mid table championship side for so long under terrible conditions was a good achievement.
Proven by what has consequently happened to them as soon as he left.

I also remember MM's Ipswich being a very difficult game for Cardiff whenever we travelled there.
If he gets a contract extension, which at this stage looks a certainty, it will be interesting to see whether the board will give him the financial backing to develop the team, something he was denied at Ipswich.

One thing we can say about Harris is that that the vast majority of his acquisitions have been successful, certainly much more so than his predecessors. It is a given that any players MM sign will be have the right mental attitude to succeed. Hopefully, like Harris he has an eye for a decent footballer too.