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Thread: The Donald Trump thread

  1. #8476

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    right on cue Lardy fair play

    so whats your take on your mans 1.9 trillion dollar covid relief package with only 9% going to covid ?
    TBH mozzer a topic that has passed me by . It will be something I will look at in more detail before I add any worthwhile value to the topic .

  2. #8477

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    lol . maybe this will help you with your judgement



    could put up another 20 pages regarding this . take your time

  3. #8478

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    lol . maybe this will help you with your judgement



    could put up another 20 pages regarding this . take your time
    Go for it. I'm not really interested in discussing American domestic policy, same was true for the last four years, but if you think you can get a conversation out of it with someone then don't let me stop you.

  4. #8479

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    shame i thought your were a heavy weight in terms of american politics in that case I will leave it to cyril and Heidensberg to trip me up . my other half gives me more grief over trump than you lot ever will she can't stand him either -lol

    then again i,m perceived a poundsland rogersblue so very little competition to be had here then

  5. #8480

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    If you cherry pick the results.


    I'm not saying you cherry picked, mozzer. There's no way you research stuff yourself. We know that. But whatever your source was cherry picks.
    So if I understand this correctly the fivethirtyeights does an aggregation of all the polls including the Rasmussen one which Mozz quoted. The comparative polls with other Presidents down that page monitors approval to date and across the Presidential terms. In that Biden has 11% greater approval in his honeymoon period than Trump at this point. Indeed over the four years of Trump's Presidency he never got above 50%.Then again he did lose the election so that would fit.

    If 54% approval at this point is pretty bad you have to wonder what Mozz would call the 43% that Trump stood at. Either a triumph or fake news given previous form would be my guess.

  6. #8481

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    So if I understand this correctly the fivethirtyeights does an aggregation of all the polls including the Rasmussen one which Mozz quoted. The comparative polls with other Presidents down that page monitors approval to date and across the Presidential terms. In that Biden has 11% greater approval in his honeymoon period than Trump at this point. Indeed over the four years of Trump's Presidency he never got above 50%.Then again he did lose the election so that would fit.

    If 54% approval at this point is pretty bad you have to wonder what Mozz would call the 43% that Trump stood at. Either a triumph or fake news given previous form would be my guess.
    The 'show more polls' button is helpful. I clicked on it a few times and found another poll that had Biden at below 50%.

    Worrying stuff. There were 36 polls in between where he was 50% or more and I had to go back to the start of February, but still. "Pretty bad", as mozzer rightly says.

  7. #8482

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    shame i thought your were a heavy weight in terms of american politics in that case I will leave it to cyril and Heidensberg to trip me up . my other half gives me more grief over trump than you lot ever will she can't stand him either -lol

    then again i,m perceived a poundsland rogersblue so very little competition to be had here then

    You are not the first alt-right contributor on here to labour under the falsehood that the people who found Trump so appalling were somehow closet Democrats hanging on every word and action from Hilary Clinton or Joe Biden.

    Most comments on this thread were either responses to something dreadful Trump said or did or the Q/Treehouse/Breitbart banner waving that came from your fellow conspiracists.

    You will always have a special place in the latter when you entered the field after most of the other tinfoil hat brigade had fled the field. Your tales of dead Venezuelans fixing voting machines and servers impounded by US commando raids in Italy and Germany, the disappearance of the Pope, blackouts in the Vatican and Pakistan starting the storm, Joe Biden's impending arrest, Trump's second term, forthcoming Trump victories in over 60 court cases all helped fill the loss of the idiots selling Trump and Q. I can't recall anyone on the politics thread looking so foolish in such a short period of time though.

    If you are going to spend your time looking for people defending Joe Biden or US Democrats I suspect you will be as disappointed as you were when he was sworn in as President on 20 January 2021.

  8. #8483

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    in simple terms cyril I found this thread very interesting when all sun and sundry have been attacking Trump for over 4 years with little or no evidence of wrong doing

    now we have Biden in charge it's only natural for someone to call him out for his policys in my eyes are very bad not just for USA but the world

    by the way your falling into the trap of labeling people which is the scourge of modern day society

    these labels of far left , far right are thrown around like confetti too easy . My view on this I view policys on peoples words and actions nothing else whatever party

  9. #8484

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    in simple terms cyril I found this thread very interesting when all sun and sundry have been attacking Trump for over 4 years with little or no evidence of wrong doing

    now we have Biden in charge it's only natural for someone to call him out for his policys in my eyes are very bad not just for USA but the world

    by the way your falling into the trap of labeling people which is the scourge of modern day society

    these labels of far left , far right are thrown around like confetti too easy . My view on this I view policys on peoples words and actions nothing else whatever party
    Just so I understand, the person using the phrases Sleepy Joe and His Fraudulency dislikes labels?

  10. #8485

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    in simple terms cyril I found this thread very interesting when all sun and sundry have been attacking Trump for over 4 years with little or no evidence of wrong doing

    now we have Biden in charge it's only natural for someone to call him out for his policys in my eyes are very bad not just for USA but the world

    by the way your falling into the trap of labeling people which is the scourge of modern day society

    these labels of far left , far right are thrown around like confetti too easy . My view on this I view policys on peoples words and actions nothing else whatever party
    There was little or no evidence of election fraud, and yet...

  11. #8486

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    oh come on lardy do you really want me to reel off pages upon pages of wrong doing in that rigged election ?

    time to move on and my stand point now is to closely monitor Biden and his policys . I,m starting to get nervous about the middle east again

    no point in looking back what is done is done

  12. #8487

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    oh come on lardy do you really want me to reel off pages upon pages of wrong doing in that rigged election ?

    time to move on and my stand point now is to closely monitor Biden and his policys . I,m starting to get nervous about the middle east again

    no point in looking back what is done is done
    You already have reeled off pages and pages about it, and it was all rubbish. They talked about it non-stop everywhere except in court, because there are serious repercussions for lying in court.

    Although Dominion's billion dollar defamation suits may suggest that lying outside of court has some consequences too.

    Whenever these claims are brought up on Fox, Newsmax, etc the hosts are quick off the mark with disclaimers. Do you know why? Because none of it is true.

    I doubt you'll ever be convinced that it wasn't rigged, which suits me

  13. #8488

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    so you do hold some sense of humour

    i bet you can't wait for my 3 monthly interim report in late April of sleepy Joe honey moon period my notebook is bulging

    think this thread will roll on for another 4 years -lol

  14. #8489
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    so you do hold some sense of humour

    i bet you can't wait for my 3 monthly interim report in late April of sleepy Joe honey moon period my notebook is bulging

    think this thread will roll on for another 4 years -lol
    Joe is not asleep he's busy bombing Syria (wont see much of that in press though ).

    Imagine Trump being the first president to win 3 elections , mind boggling stuff .

    Its all set for Harris v Trump nut fest a more closer left v right fist fight than the recent (lite right) Biden v (Alt Right )Trump

  15. #8490

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    right that's it can someone tell me what alt right means ?

    Heidensberg , cyril and now LOM has used that label

    Obviously the term far right , far right gets mentioned when it comes to politics but haven't got a scooby doo regarding alt right

  16. #8491

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    so you do hold some sense of humour

    i bet you can't wait for my 3 monthly interim report in late April of sleepy Joe honey moon period my notebook is bulging

    think this thread will roll on for another 4 years -lol
    There's a Joe Biden Thread, you know?

    This will be used for the trump court cases, no doubt.

  17. #8492

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    right that's it can someone tell me what alt right means ?

    Heidensberg , cyril and now LOM has used that label

    Obviously the term far right , far right gets mentioned when it comes to politics but haven't got a scooby doo regarding alt right
    Alt right is the term the far right adopted when they wanted to share their far right opinions but realised the name had a pretty negative reputation.

  18. #8493
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    right that's it can someone tell me what alt right means ?

    Heidensberg , cyril and now LOM has used that label

    Obviously the term far right , far right gets mentioned when it comes to politics but haven't got a scooby doo regarding alt right
    Best to stay clear of them, nutters.

    "" The Alternative Right, commonly known as the "alt-right," is a set of far-right ideologies,*groups*and individuals whose core belief is that “white identity” is under attack by multicultural forces using “political correctness” and “social justice” to undermine white people and “their” civilization."

  19. #8494

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Joe is not asleep he's busy bombing Syria (wont see much of that in press though ).

    Imagine Trump being the first president to win 3 elections , mind boggling stuff .

    Its all set for Harris v Trump nut fest a more closer left v right fist fight than the recent (lite right) Biden v (Alt Right )Trump
    I guess Mozz could have done with your support when he was arguing that Trump had the election fraudulently stolen from him. Better late than never I suppose.

    Still, it's nice to see that you are back in your wingman role. You must have missed it since most of the rest of Q Squadron got grounded.

  20. #8495

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    There was little or no evidence of election fraud, and yet...
    I remember seeing this last year just before the election and found it again on u tube but did sleepy joe really say this


    and yet ..............

  21. #8496

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    I remember seeing this last year just before the election and found it again on u tube but did sleepy joe really say this


    and yet ..............
    Gosh. The smoking gun.

    You can't help wondering whether had Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani and the rest of the President's Men presented this as proof to the many courts of Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan then Trump might not have needed to whip up a right wing mob to effect a coup on his behalf.

    I think your attempts to have a rational debate on the merits of the Biden administration or the relative benefits of Trump's policies are likely to fall on deaf ears. I think its fair to say that in the 6 weeks after the 2020 US election you pulled together a catalogue of the most ill-supported, preposterous arguments, views and pasted videos I can remember on the Politics Board (and lord knows Wales-Bales, Organ Morgan, Heathblue and Rogersblue set a very high bar).

    Trying to have a sensible discussion about Biden's sins, even as you harbour the mistaken belief that he has passionate defenders here, is like trying to shut the stable door after the horse has long bolted I'm afraid.

  22. #8497

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    talking of sidney powell she had another 2 lawsuits regarding the rigged election knocked back by the supreme court last week think she's still running with a few more . kin ell I wonder how much money has been spent on them !

    at the end of the day the dark voices of the world prevailed and knocked the orange man off his perch

    noticed at CPAC on sunday which attracted an audience of over 31 million people on line Trump didn't give a clear indication of whether he's going to run again next time around . Think he will

  23. #8498

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Trump's first public appearance since he got the boot and only 31 million? That's less than half who voted for him. And online too.

    I thought he was ratings gold. He'll be disappointed with that. Looks like he's hemorrhaging support.

  24. #8499

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MOZZER2 View Post
    talking of sidney powell she had another 2 lawsuits regarding the rigged election knocked back by the supreme court last week think she's still running with a few more . kin ell I wonder how much money has been spent on them !

    at the end of the day the dark voices of the world prevailed and knocked the orange man off his perch

    noticed at CPAC on sunday which attracted an audience of over 31 million people on line Trump didn't give a clear indication of whether he's going to run again next time around . Think he will
    A better question would be:

    Q: Where did all the money to launch the cases come from?

    A: The pockets of gullible donors and subscribers to the types of YouTube sites you posted.

    Q: Where did the money go?

    A: Legal fees charged as court costs for the multitude of lost cases and a significant amount into the pockets of the lawyer who presented them on behalf of their clients.....one Sidney Powell!

    I know you struggle with the concept of fact but here are a few on the outcome of the independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Arizona.


    Can't see that changing the mind of independent thinkers like you though Mozz. Like WB and the gang you are blessed with insight that mere mortals can't wish to comprehend.

  25. #8500

    Re: The Donald Trump thread

    Quote Originally Posted by cyril evans awaydays View Post
    A better question would be:

    Q: Where did all the money to launch the cases come from?

    A: The pockets of gullible donors and subscribers to the types of YouTube sites you posted.

    Q: Where did the money go?

    A: Legal fees charged as court costs for the multitude of lost cases and a significant amount into the pockets of the lawyer who presented them on behalf of their clients.....one Sidney Powell!

    I know you struggle with the concept of fact but here are a few on the outcome of the independent forensic audit of Dominion Voting Machines in Arizona.


    Can't see that changing the mind of independent thinkers like you though Mozz. Like WB and the gang you are blessed with insight that mere mortals can't wish to comprehend.
    Your exchanges with Mozzer are like shooting fish in a barrel every week - but without the fish ever realising that it has been repeatedly shot and comes back for more.

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