Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
I'm one of thsoe who fell down the middle regarding employed/self employed help. And I couldn't get any other help either.

As for the advice given/taken. I always take advice from doctors and scientists with a pinch of salt. They will always tell you the worst possible outcome as the likeliest one (Although this time they may have been right) and they are very loathe to agree with any good news, always wanting to temper it with a dose of foreboding doom and gloom. It's just in their nature.
It like your doctor always tells you 'You mustn't drink' when you are taking this or that medicine. It doesn't really make any difference but they instinctively want to stop people drinking. (Even though half of them drink too much themselves)
Who do you take medial advice from and who do you refer to regarding science?