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Thread: The Budget

  1. #51

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Fantastic pay deal for those that have put their lives on the line for us , quite literally , from the conservatives

    1 percent pay rise for nurses and doctors

    That clap Boris was doing was clearly one handed

    What a bunch of tossers
    Is now really the time to reward those in work with a generous pay rise when so many are now out of work?

  2. #52

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Fantastic pay deal for those that have put their lives on the line for us , quite literally , from the conservatives

    1 percent pay rise for nurses and doctors

    That clap Boris was doing was clearly one handed

    What a bunch of tossers
    Millions have lost their jobs/livelihoods. Millions more on furlough not knowing whether they'll have a job when the scheme ends. Having had a job and security for the past 15 months and going into the future is a luxury in the present climate.

  3. #53

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by goats View Post
    Time to scrap that hs2 train line save a few 100 billion....
    HS2 and Crossrail will cost a combined £180bn over 50 years. Thats around £4bn per annum.

  4. #54

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dargavel View Post
    Is now really the time to reward those in work with a generous pay rise when so many are now out of work?
    Sludge lives in la la land

  5. #55
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Who do you take medial advice from and who do you refer to regarding science?
    Why do you ask such stupid questions when it is quite obvious to a reasonable person that I was referring to advice given by these 'experts' in general. Clearly the average man doesn't refer to scientists on a regular basis.
    I was referring to the doctors and scientists that the BBC and other media outlets wheel out whenever something good or bad happens. As I said, they are always ready to pour doom and gloom on any good news and make any bad news look as bad as they can. When some doctor in a provincial hospital or a scientist that 'was on the SAGE committee but isn't any more' and such like are trollied out I always wonder how many people the media outlet in question spoke to before they found one who was prepared to voice the opinion they wanted to air.
    Which scientists do you refer to?

  6. #56
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    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by ninian opinian View Post
    Corbyn was a radical communist and wanting to raise corporation tax to 26%. Sunak is a hero and saviour for raising CT to 25%.
    The two things were not considered together in the mind of the general public, but as separate issues. Whether the first is true or not is a personal judgment for most.

  7. #57

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    Why do you ask such stupid questions when it is quite obvious to a reasonable person that I was referring to advice given by these 'experts' in general. Clearly the average man doesn't refer to scientists on a regular basis.
    I was referring to the doctors and scientists that the BBC and other media outlets wheel out whenever something good or bad happens. As I said, they are always ready to pour doom and gloom on any good news and make any bad news look as bad as they can. When some doctor in a provincial hospital or a scientist that 'was on the SAGE committee but isn't any more' and such like are trollied out I always wonder how many people the media outlet in question spoke to before they found one who was prepared to voice the opinion they wanted to air.
    Which scientists do you refer to?
    It was a fair question I thought. If you dismiss advice given by scientists and doctors who do you rely on for accurate information?

  8. #58

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dargavel View Post
    Is now really the time to reward those in work with a generous pay rise when so many are now out of work?
    Never mind not having work these people are dying on the front line , you are damn right we should be rewarding them

    Without them many many more would have died and many of those who have died have been working in the NHS

    We clap em of course but its all bullshit and clearly a lot of people agree with the bullshit

    They will be the first to moan when they need help though

    I would ask them if they voted tory and if they did tell me to wait

  9. #59

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    It was a fair question I thought. If you dismiss advice given by scientists and doctors who do you rely on for accurate information?
    the mirror

  10. #60

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    Millions have lost their jobs/livelihoods. Millions more on furlough not knowing whether they'll have a job when the scheme ends. Having had a job and security for the past 15 months and going into the future is a luxury in the present climate.
    thats not the issue , the issue is after sucking the arsenal of the NHS during this pandemic those who have saved lives have been taken the piss out of , again

    But we love em , we clap em 👏

    Remain calm , all is well

  11. #61
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: The Budget

    It wasn't a fair question, but I don't rely on any one in particular. As I said, I take everything with a pinch of salt. Life has taught me that when you hear 2 sides of anything the truth is normally somewhere in the middle. And of course despite their calling, doctors and scientists views on a subject or policy can be coloured by their own view of things in general. Like anyone else they tell you what they want you to believe.

  12. #62

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    It wasn't a fair question, but I don't rely on any one in particular. As I said, I take everything with a pinch of salt. Life has taught me that when you hear 2 sides of anything the truth is normally somewhere in the middle. And of course despite their calling, doctors and scientists views on a subject or policy can be coloured by their own view of things in general. Like anyone else they tell you what they want you to believe.
    I don’t agree with any of that tbh. Never mind,

  13. #63
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    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    I don’t agree with any of that tbh. Never mind,
    That's OK. Each to his own. If you want to believe everything you hear its up to you, or pick and choose which bits to believe. It's not much different than the people you listen to telling you the bits they want you to believe.
    But as you say, never mind.

  14. #64

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    thats not the issue , the issue is after sucking the arsenal of the NHS during this pandemic those who have saved lives have been taken the piss out of , again

    But we love em , we clap em 👏

    Remain calm , all is well
    Question for you Sludge -

    You have 10 nurses on £25k each pa. They are demanding a 10% pay rise and you have the funds available to pay this with a little bit left over.
    Do you give them their 10% pay rise, or give them a 1% increase, an extra days annual leave and employ an 11th nurse?

  15. #65

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
    That's OK. Each to his own. If you want to believe everything you hear its up to you, or pick and choose which bits to believe. It's not much different than the people you listen to telling you the bits they want you to believe.
    But as you say, never mind.
    It’s not a case of believing everything, but if I asked a scientist or somebody on a football message board about a specialist matter relevant to the scientists field I don’t really think the truth would normally be somewhere in the middle.

  16. #66

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Question for you Sludge -

    You have 10 nurses on £25k each pa. They are demanding a 10% pay rise and you have the funds available to pay this with a little bit left over.
    Do you give them their 10% pay rise, or give them a 1% increase, an extra days annual leave and employ an 11th nurse?
    or do you employ the 11th nurse and give them a 10% pay rise, ignore the debts and leave it to the fairies to fix

  17. #67

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    or do you employ the 11th nurse and give them a 10% pay rise, ignore the debts and leave it to the fairies to fix
    Announced this evening that Philip Rutnam received £340,000 plus legal costs, as part of payout from the Home Offices.

    Flippant point: how many nurses do you get if you trade in this Home Secretary for someone a bit better at the job?

    Don't forget: "Nicky Morgan defended the Conservative manifesto pledge that there will be 50,000 more nurses in 10 years, despite figures suggesting 19,000 will be retained staff," which means there was expectation to lose 19,000 nurses in 10 years and Tories planned on taking action to reverse that loss. Has there been anything done so far, including in any of the budgets, to reverse loss of 19,000 nurses?

    Slightly more serious point: it seems there is always money to spend if it fits the government's/minister's priorities and always difficult to find it if it doesn't. It's simply wrong to think about finances in the same way as a household finances.

  18. #68

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by The Bloop View Post
    Question for you Sludge -

    You have 10 nurses on £25k each pa. They are demanding a 10% pay rise and you have the funds available to pay this with a little bit left over.
    Do you give them their 10% pay rise, or give them a 1% increase, an extra days annual leave and employ an 11th nurse?
    The answer is you scrap the nuclear deterrent

    And also you don't give the nurses on 25k a ten percent pay rise which is plain daft , you give them a 2 or 3 percent pay rise which is easily possible even 8n the current economic circumstances

    But the tories want to scrap the NHS , have never liked it and don't give two shifts about the people who work saving lives , never have , never will

  19. #69

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    or do you employ the 11th nurse and give them a 10% pay rise, ignore the debts and leave it to the fairies to fix
    Another tory with all the facts scribbled down on the back of a fag packet

    The tories can piss off they will come crawling the next time we need the NHS , I hope the nurses go on strike , good luck to them

    Tories , only know the value of money

    Disgusting bunch

  20. #70

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Announced this evening that Philip Rutnam received £340,000 plus legal costs, as part of payout from the Home Offices.

    Flippant point: how many nurses do you get if you trade in this Home Secretary for someone a bit better at the job?

    Don't forget: "Nicky Morgan defended the Conservative manifesto pledge that there will be 50,000 more nurses in 10 years, despite figures suggesting 19,000 will be retained staff," which means there was expectation to lose 19,000 nurses in 10 years and Tories planned on taking action to reverse that loss. Has there been anything done so far, including in any of the budgets, to reverse loss of 19,000 nurses?

    Slightly more serious point: it seems there is always money to spend if it fits the government's/minister's priorities and always difficult to find it if it doesn't. It's simply wrong to think about finances in the same way as a household finances.
    of course, when you are struggling to form a government......whoosh out comes the cash for the Northern Ireland tory lot to back up the conservatives

    Found money for that you tory vermin

    I hope the NHS go on strike

  21. #71
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    Baku, Azerbaijan

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Baloo View Post
    It’s not a case of believing everything, but if I asked a scientist or somebody on a football message board about a specialist matter relevant to the scientists field I don’t really think the truth would normally be somewhere in the middle.
    I agree with that but it isn't what I said. I was about the scientists that come on news programmes and are quoted in newspapers. As I sai I always wonder how many the journalists had to ask before they got one who was prepared to say what they wanted people to hear. If you directly ask a specialist a question regarding his speciality they of course you would expect an answer you could rely on. But that wasn't the point.

  22. #72

    Re: The Budget

    Sludge Factory, so help me understand. My father who worked within the NHS as a biomedical scientist, my mother who made assistant director of nursing, my sister who is presently a nurse, my aunties who were an audiologist and nursing receptionist (and are both married to ENT consultants), and my grandmother who was a nurse all vote for a party who doesn’t give a shit about them? Give your head a wobble and stop talking with your Labour blinkers. Trotting out party politics and vitriol makes you look like a halfwit.

  23. #73

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    Fantastic pay deal for those that have put their lives on the line for us , quite literally , from the conservatives

    1 percent pay rise for nurses and doctors

    That clap Boris was doing was clearly one handed

    What a bunch of tossers
    There was a nil cost option here.

    £1000 fine for anyone not following social distancing rules or wearing masks. Double it each time it happens again. Obviously a tiny minority have a reason not to wear a mask and that can be sorted, but make it a strict liability offense for everyone else.

    We already have facial recognition tech on building sites to pick up those not wearing appropriate PPE. Can't be a biggie to have this stuff automated in supermarkets etc. Shout big brother, I dont care: this is a situation that needs it and it means it can be deployed at scale.

    All of that cash goes into an NHS staff fund, distributed each month to NHS and private medical staff putting their lives at risk because cretins refuse to wear a mask. and it can be tax free as the morons without masks have already paid the tax on it.

  24. #74
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    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Dargavel View Post
    Sludge Factory, so help me understand. My father who worked within the NHS as a biomedical scientist, my mother who made assistant director of nursing, my sister who is presently a nurse, my aunties who were an audiologist and nursing receptionist (and are both married to ENT consultants), and my grandmother who was a nurse all vote for a party who doesn’t give a shit about them? Give your head a wobble and stop talking with your Labour blinkers. Trotting out party politics and vitriol makes you look like a halfwit.
    Wow your family has really added wonderful value to our society. Your right its free society and you shouldn't be judged by your political choices there's good in each party and it doesn't make you evil if you chose between one or the other .

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: The Budget

    YouGov poll after budget has with a 13-point lead over Labour.

    ""Their budget was the most popular in a decade, with 55 per cent of people describing it as “fair”""

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