Quote Originally Posted by Elwood Blues View Post
I don't honestly know, probably yes but I would have to think about it as I always do before elections

That or abstain

I have no faith in any of the main parties.

As pointed out above I have reservations with some of the Conservative policies (not just the ones I mentioned in my previous post) although that has always been the case.

But the Liberal Democrats are busted flush at the moment. I like Ed Davey, but to me he is not much of a leader, though to be fair he hasn't got much to lead at the moment.

I don't go a bundle on Boris or Sir Keir. I don't despise the as I did Jeremy Corbyn but I don't really trust either of them.

There just don't seem to be the stand out politicians on any side at the moment.

Can you name any Bob?

Or give me a good reason why I should vote for any of them?
Thanks for answering honestly. I'm at a loss mind as to why you still appear to rate Johnson above others. As for politicians I admire, there certainly aren't any in Cabinet positions I can think of and I don't see any stand out figures in the Shadow Cabinet either, but I do have some time for Starmer because I feel that he at least has a degree of competence to him. Despite her current problems, I would definitely vote for Sturgeon's party if I lived in Scotland and I think Adam Price comes over pretty well - in fact, I'd say I'm closer to favouring full Welsh independence than I've ever been, but still feel that would be a bit of a wasted vote because it's never going to happen in my lifetime.

If I was ever going to vote Conservative, I think it probably would have been in the days of the Coalition Government, but I never came close to it then and I certainly wouldn't now - I mentioned competence before, but this is the most incompetent Government I've experienced and any one who votes for them is doing so purely because of the sort of party loyalty charge that non Labour voters always direct towards south Wales valley voters.