Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
I think inevitable is the wrong word but I do think there is a reason we have more deaths than say France and Spain who've been equally shit as us.

I do think a certain number of deaths were always inevitable and I think you can almost forgive the slow start for the first lockdown.

The failure to notice to same warnings after the summer is probably the biggest failure of this government. I don't think comparing number of deaths with different countries adds any weight to that.

But also look at deaths per million for each country, have we behaved much differently to any western country? I'd say no and I think we do have a slight excuse for having so many more deaths.

Surely you can see that 52 deaths is a reason for failure and celebration though? As disgusting as that sounds it shows we are moving in the right direction.
Let’s not forget that there was something of a rehearsal for what might happen in a pandemic in 2017 I believe it was and it’s been reported that the conclusions were largely ignored because they were so concerning to be revealed to the public, Actually, I think the opposite to you, the UK Government got so many things wrong back in the spring, but would not blame them as much for what happened during the winter months when viruses like Covid are always going to prosper.

Fifty deaths a day equates to something like a thousand every three weeks - for me, if it is ever appropriate to “celebrate” COVID victims, it’s when the number is into single figures a day.