Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Tory defence squad to the rescue! I voted for them so have to defend everything they do ��
I'm not saying for a second that the figures are accurate, truthful or real. I do hope they are though. As for Tories defending her because they voted for them, nah, that's not the case, it isn't blind loyalty, that can be understood to a certain degree. They defend because they think it's ok to commit a bit of fraud at the expense of the public. Look how old boris has behaved, shagger, liar, incompetent, abandons his kids etc. It's an odd one, that's for sure-Could you imagine those behavior traits if that was some working class bloke on benefits? I'm sure he wouldn't receive the backing of the Daily Mail or of the millions of Tories up and down the nation, or even Elwood Blues