Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
Hopefully I live long enough to see an independent Scotland, reunified Ireland and an independent Wales.

F*ck and I mean F*ck the corrupt UK system with it's ludicrous first past the post, House of Lords, veneration and subsidy of the ludicrous veneration of the Royal Family.

The past year has made me join up to YesCymru. I'd love to see people in this country have some belief in ourselves that we could make a success like other small countries.

It's either independence for me or once I've sold house in a few months off to Ireland. I hate the way this government which will be in for a long time will make us nothing more than a county of England.

Still. as long as we beat the English we dont care eh.....
If I saw independence as a benefit i'd be all over it, but I don't see anything apart from tourism that companies would choose to reside in Wales over England for.

I do feel Wales would be squeezed out whereas as the UK we're just about big enough.