Quote Originally Posted by xsnaggle View Post
Once again you remark about 'some people' just as I could remark that 'some people' post an awful lot of hand-wringing stories links but they are all from the Guardian, but I don't.
You constantly try to imply that I am some kind of closet conservative but I'm not. As I have stated time and again I just don't like th man and I don't like his motives. I think he is far too dogmatic and too authoritarian in his beliefs and I think his outlook and his own brand of socialism are beyond their time. If he said things were going back to normal tomorrow I'd be delighted but I'd be interested to find out who made him do it.
I agree there have been cock-ups but I hesitate with regard to the pandemic to call everything a 'U turn'. In a situation never faced before and with an 'enemy' who constantly changes there must be some policies 'made on the hoof' so to speak. And with the threat rapidly changing the response must do the same. When something gets to the point where this is clearly needed it is too easy for the leader of the opposition to get up on his/her hind legs and say we must do xyz knowing full well that it is going to happen, so that when he does he can claim that the opposition had to tell the government what needed to be done 'again' and saying that they have done a U Turn. Every change of policy is not a 'U Turn' despite some factions of the community trying to sell it as such.
And before this is put at closet support of the conservatives or knocking Labour I would point out that it would be true whatever party were in power. It's what the opposition does. But I take it all with a pinch of salt.
Maybe he doesn't actually know how many children he's got lol. Have you never ever known anyone who fathered a child that they didn't acknowledge or who didn't pay maintenance for a child or told a lie? Have you never told a lie? don't bother answering or trying to avoid any of those questions, I'm not remotely interested.
You not a closet conservative at all and your comments on Drakeford and Johnson are contradictory despite you trying to make it sound like you’re only defending Johnson because he, like Drakeford, is in power - surely your attitude towards Drakeford should be the same?